Chapter 93

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I've been pacing around the apartment ever since I read that dreaded email. The attempts to contact the university secretary and even talk to the dean have all been futile. No luck. Tomorrow, I'll have to go to the university in person to clear things up. It has to be a mistake, a horrible mistake. Adam enters the apartment, his usual smile in place, but it fades as soon as he sees me. My eyes well up with tears, and before I can say anything, he's next to me, taking me into his arms.

"Baby, what happened?" he asks, concern etched on his face. I look into his eyes, the words catching in my throat.

"I got an email today from the university; it said that I won't be attending next semester," I manage to say, my voice breaking.

Adam tightens his embrace, pulling me closer. I bury my head in his chest, and the dam breaks. Sobs escape me, allowing all the anxiety and dread I've been pushing away to flood over me. My hopes, dreams, and ambitions seem to shatter in front of me, leaving me feeling lost and helpless, angry and confused. I don't understand what's happening.

Adam gently tilts my head up, looking at me with those comforting eyes. He cups my cheeks and wipes away my tears with his thumb. "Baby, it's going to be okay. It's a mistake, okay?" he reassures me.

I nod, sniffing, and say, "I'll go to the university tomorrow morning to clear things up. I just... I don't understand, Adam. How could they make a mistake like that?" The frustration and confusion in my voice are evident as I start sobbing again.

Adam holds me tighter, providing a sense of comfort that I desperately need right now. Even though logic tells me it must be a mistake, the fear of not graduating from university grips me. Becoming a doctor has been my lifelong dream, a goal I've worked tirelessly toward, only to have it unravel right before my eyes.

Adam guides me to the couch, ensuring I'm seated comfortably. "I'll be back, baby, I need to make a phone call, okay? I'll be back in two minutes," he assures me, and I manage a nod, my mind swirling with anxiety. As he heads towards the study, I slump into the couch, resting my elbows on my knees and supporting my head with my hands. What am I going to do? Why is this happening?

Adam returns after a few minutes and takes a seat beside me, his comforting hand rubbing my back. Gently, he pulls me closer, and I lean on him. Adam tilts my face up, and his eyes reflect a sadness that mirrors my own. He tucks loose strands of hair behind my ears, his gaze serious.

"Baby, I think that my mother had something to do with all this," he confesses, and my eyes widen in disbelief. Could it be true?

"I called my father and informed him about it," Adam continues, "he said that he will look into it. Hopefully, it will all go away, and you will attend the semester like you normally would."

I'm torn between hope and confusion. Could this be possible? "Wouldn't your mother say something, though? How is this supposed to put pressure on me to leave you if I don't know it was her doing?"

Adam's response only deepens the worry lines on his face, "Yeah, that's the other part that scares both me and my father; she is not done yet."

"Oh my god," I say, a heavy sigh escaping me. Adam looks at me, his worry palpable.

"Baby, I know how important your studies are to you-," he begins, but I raise my hand, covering his mouth.

"We've been through this, Adam. My studies are crucial, but so are you. I won't let her dictate our lives. Yes, I was scared and confused a few minutes ago, but if this is your mother's doing, she has just made me angry."

I say the words with conviction, and I mean every one of them. I won't be bullied into submission; Adam's mother has just poked the bear, and she's about to find out that I don't back down easily.

I wipe the tears from my face and stand up, feeling a shift within me. The initial shock has transformed into pure determination. The news that I won't be attending the next semester hit me hard, clouding my thoughts. However, now that I know the source of it all, a clarity descends upon me.

"I'll go down to the university first thing tomorrow to clear things up. I'll ask to see the dean if it comes to it. Worst-case scenario, I will apply to another university and miss a year. I will take an internship or volunteer—something to build my resume," I think out loud, my voice filled with determination. I stop pacing and look at Adam, my mind racing with possibilities.

"I may have to move to attend a different university, though," I say quietly, considering the potential implications.

Adam stands up and is in front of me before I know it, cupping my cheeks and kissing me deeply. "I will follow you anywhere, Mallory. Wherever you go, I'll go," he says, melting my heart.

"What about your job?"

"I'll find another job, baby," he reassures me, his thumbs stroking my cheeks gently. In his eyes, I see a determination matching my own, and for the first time since receiving that dreaded email, a spark of hope lights up in me.

I smile at Adam, grateful for this wonderful man standing before me. We will make it through this storm, and his mother will regret ever trying to break us up. Filled with newfound strength, I rise on my tip-toes and kiss Adam passionately. He responds eagerly, pulling me closer to him.

As we break the kiss, Adam holds my head to his chest, his arms enveloping me in a warm embrace. I feel his steady heartbeat beneath my ear, a comforting rhythm amidst the chaos swirling around us.

"I love you, Mallory," Adam whispers, his voice filled with emotion. "So damn much."

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