The only star in my sky

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"I KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED!!!" The chief god's mighty voice replied.

Lu Yan raised his head towards the Emerald light through tears.

"You know???" Lu Yan retorted in curious.

"Yes, I know. I know the reason why you couldn't keep your promise!" He further said.

Lu Yan forgot to blink his eyes. He was all ears to the Chief god.

"She did save you that day, but ...."

The voice stopped.

"But SHE DIDN'T DIE !!!!💣💣💣"

It was a shock after a shock.

"What!!!!!" His mouth hung open in shock.

"When you were spontaneously born at the god releam, right after you made that wish infront of me,I went searching for her ,without wasting a second.But She was not dead. She was ALIVE...."

Lu Yan' s lips went dry. He somehow managed to utter few words stammeringly.

"Sun Shi was alive!!!!" He asked in utter bewilderment.

"Not Sun Shi, ......QIN RU!!!!⚡️⚡️⚡️" The mighty voice replied, shaking Lu Yan's whole world.

"QIN RU!!!" Lu Yan repeated the same words,all messed up with Chief god's words..

"Yes, your fiance. Qin Ru!!!" The emerald light shone brighter than ever.

Lu Yan blinked his eyes several times in confusion. It seemed he was in a dilemma, not knowing what to believe.

"My fiance was Sun Shi." He managed to utter, refusing Chief god's words.

Then, the chief god sent a beam of light towards Lu Yan. It went right through his forehead ,making him shut his eyes.

Then he heard a cheerful voice of a girl.

"Luuu...Yan...come on ...come get me."

He saw a glimps of a girl ,playfully running away from him.

And then he heard lamenting of children, women, and men. He heard the sputtering sound of the fire flames.

Then he could see him fighting that sturdy barbarian with all might. The next moment, she ran to him, blocking the stabbing. But....but... , it was Qin Ru who was in front of him.

"Luuuu...Yan..." He saw her scream out ,seeing the barbarian advance him holding a knife.

Then she swam to his side, pushing him away. The knife went through her heart.

Lu Yan, who was witnessing the scenario, shook his head in dismay, closing his eyes shut.

He could see the last look in her eyes. It was an affectionate filled look ,mixed with so much pain and longingness.

And then she collapsed down.

Qin Ru...!!!! Lu Yan cried out like a lune. He pushed away the sturdy man in wanting to reach her,but the barbarian didn't let him.

He extended his hand,but he still couldn't reach her. Qin Ru laid on the ground, looking at him , who was struggling to free himself. And then....and then she shut his eyes.

"QINNNN...RUUUUU!!!!" Lu Yan screamed out at the bottom of his lungs.A fall of tears rolled down his cheeks.

That was the point ,where he went wild . He went on taking the lives of ruthless barbarians one at a time.

The beam of light disappeared. Lu Yan opened his eyes, wetted from the crying.
Next, he clutched his heart , just as he was having a stroke.

"Qin Ru!!" He called out her name, still clutching his heart.

The lonely star in your sky [Xu Kai]Where stories live. Discover now