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"Right now,I need you to do one thing. "

Qin Ru was giving all ears to him.

"You have to go with me somewhere,"

Hearing that,shifu is taking her somewhere she wondered.

"To where?" She questioned him in no time.

"To the god releam."

When that word left his mouth,she was almost in heaven.

"What???? You are taking me to the god releam. Wow! That was one of my dreams to go there. I have already been to the lower god releam, but I have heard that upper god relem is way devine. OMG....shifu... you are the best"

She almost jumped out of happiness. Her bubbly nature brought him a smile.

Jing Ling was phasing back and forth thinking,why goddess Sun Shi left. If it was his fault,master is not gonna spare him, he knew. He needed answers, so he too went to his study and looked around. That's when he heard master clearing his throat at the door. He ran to the door.

" Master where did you go? You were here in a minute ago ,and the next minute you have gone. You just recovered. " He rambled without a stop.

"I went to bring someone here,"

Jing Ling was waiting till his arrival to say that goddess Sun Shi came to meet him. But with what master said ,he forgot that for a while.

"Bring whom?" He asked in confusion.

Then, one who was hiding behind master's back came out with a jump start.

"He went to bring me here," She said in glee.

Jing Ling almost couldn't recognize her.

"Are you really Qin Ru, or are you an imposter?" He asked, teasing her.

"Hey, Jing Ling.. I have always been pretty okay. It's just a glow up, alright? "

He replied, starting their cold war.

Lu Yan retired to his meditation chamber, letting them bicker with each other.

" What made you glow up?" He asked in disbelief .

"Hey fool,can't you just guess. My rank had been upgraded, " She said in pride.

That was news to Jing Ling?

"How did you upgrade this fast?" He inquired further more.

"Why? You thought , I am as dumb as you. Of course I cultivated. I cultivated for six months." She arrogantly said.

Though Jing Ling didn't buy it,he welcomed her in,as master himself brought her there.

After having some devine delicacies given by Jing Ling, with the permission of Lu Yan, Qin Ru went for sightseeing in the early evening.

She was advised not to go far,as she easily can be lost. As always, she promised she won't go.

Jing Ling didn't bother Lu Yan as he was meditating earlier, but he had things to ask him. So when he was back at his study,he went there with some herbal tea. He poured him a cup and served it while starting his conversation.

"Master, why did you bring her here?" He asked in a troubled voice.

Lu Yan raised his head for what he asked.

"Why can't she be here?" He asked in return.

"No, master I know I am in no place to oppose your decision,but I am asking whether is it necessary to bring her here?" He finally uttered what he wanted to ask all this time.

"Why is it not necessary to bring here?" He asked for his reasons.

" I mean master...." Jing Ling stammered a little,thinking whether he should say it.

"I thought you would be happy to see her here. Don't you cherish her. "  He raised another question from Hing Ling.

" Master,it's not that. I do cherish her. I am really happy to see her here,but goddess Sun would she react?"

He uttered in a low voice.

Lu Yan indeed got a little pissed off hearing that.

" She should react normal. We have nothing but a teacher student relationship between us. I have already told you not to ill talk about her . There is nothing to hide. Moreover, I brought Qin Ru here,as she deserved it."

He uttered in a firm voice.

" Yeah, I know. But ....Anyway ,master, you are supposed to face the twenty-nine thunders left within a few weeks, so...."

"So what?.....there is this thing that you do not know about her. I said she deserved to be here for a reason. "

He revealed the sacrifice she made towards him.

"So more than anyone else,she deserved to be here when I attain the position of a true god."

He uttered steadily, not regretting his decision. After learning the truth , Jing Ling apologised from master, for being unreasonable.  At the same time,he was grateful towards Qin Ru for making such an invaluable sacrifice.

Qin Ru, who had  no idea about their conversation, was having fun looking around. The palaces floating over clouds, trees filled with various beautiful flowers, the ponds rich with huge lilies, Chambers made out of marbles and gems. It was another world full of wonders.

She wandered here, and there like a child,who was amused by a carnival. She walked for some time and  saw a gate which leads to somewhere. The gate was naturally decorated with the rose bushes creeping here and there.

She naturally became curious to know what's beyond the gate. No one was around ,so she slid through the gate in secret. It was about five in the evening, then. Though the day light was there earlier,beyond the gate, it wasn't the same. There were sky-high trees covering the light. Despite the darkness, she moved forward and came to an open area, where she could smell a very sweet smell.

It didn't take long for her to understand where she was. She was in a peach 🍑 forest, full of ripe peaches. Her mouth watered seeing them. Suddenly she felt hungry just seeing them.

She was an expert in climbing trees, so it wasn't difficult for her to climb one. With experience she chose a peach and had a bite. From the first bite the juicy flesh melted into her mouth like cotton candy. Proving food can make people happy, she was enjoying every bite of it.

She ate another after another.

"OMG... I have never tasted anything like this. These peaches are soooooo yummy. I wish I could have them everyday. "

She muttered while enjoying a peach sitting on a crook of the tree.


A terrifying ramble was echoed in the background.


The lonely star in your sky [Xu Kai]Where stories live. Discover now