It's not sweet afterall

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Now, it's not the time to regret. Never badmouth a god." Lu Yan uttered.

"Yes, I shouldn't," She replied

Then, some silence and sudden stare from Qin Ru towards her shifu.

"Shifuo... You read my mind!!!!!"
She complained him making a face.

Lu Yan didn't say anything. He strolled ahead, making her follow him.

They were walking along a tiled foot path,where many flowers bloomed. Suddenly, her eyes captured a twig of flowers hanging from a branch of a tree. They were so beautiful, she needed one of that kind so badly.

"Shifu....shifuo....can you pick one for me...pls....pls....pls..."

Lu Yan stopped in his tracks and looked at her. He was indeed annoyed with her childish behaviour.

Qin Ru understood that he was annoyed,so she looked down with a dejected face and started moving forward, just to hit on something. It was Lu Yan. Surprisingly he hasn't taken a step ahead.

The next moment, he extended his hand in the direction of the flowering tree. Without much delay a flower twig came floating towards Qin Ru. Her face lit up with pure happiness.

With his power ,he could make it regrow another twig at the missing place.

"Wow! the best 👍" She said with a wow face, admiring her shifu.

Her compliments made him blush, so to get away from the awkward position, he signed her to move fast. But they didn't have to walk for long. They could see a very pretty goddess accompanied by her maid servants were advancing their way. They all were in glamorous colours.

"Wow! They are so pretty..." She almost drooled over them ,but stopped in her tracks as shifu signed her to stop.

"Stay here....." He said her. She did obey her master and sat on the sidewalk. Lu Yan went ahead, and both greeted each other.

"God Lu Yan, are you here for a stroll? " The beautiful goddess asked politely from him.

She was none other,but the famous and the most beautiful goddess Sun Shi.

"I am here to take my disciple back." He answered in a calm voice.

Then she looked over his shoulders ,and stole a glance at Qin Ru, who was inhaling the fragrance of the flowers.

"Is she the one?" The goddess asked Lu Yan.

"Hm......" Lu Yan nodded his head.

Earlier that afternoon, when Jing Ling told Lu Yan, that goddess Sun Shi came to visit him, he felt bad for her. So he personally went to see her at the Palace of Ethereal. There, Lu Yan had told her about Qin Ru and that he had brought her here,as she deserved it.

He did that not to make her worry about her,so Sun Shi already knew about her.

Sun Shi took another quick glance at the girl, who was cheerfully playing with the twig of flowers. Not to say that she felt jealous, seeing how adorable she was. But she didn't want to make a bad impression before her beloved, so she changed the topic.

"I came to worship the chief god. I made a wish infront of him that you should be safe ,no matter what." She further said.

"I am really grateful to you" Lu Yan uttered in a thankful heart.

They talked for sometime and took their leave respectfully.

Lu Yan watched till they go out of his sight,and look at Qin Ru. He was amazed how silent she was. Then he could see why. She was fast asleep. First, he thought she faked it. But she wasn't. Then he remembered why. She inhaled the fragrance of the flowers in that twig earlier, which he picked for her. Their aroma had the power to form drowsiness in creatures.

Lu Yan called her name, trying to wake her up,but she didn't. It was already late,and he thought he could just carry her without making a scene. He felt sympathy towards her. She was just a small girl who had experienced the world for a short period of time. And she was his disciple too. So he could do that much for her.

Lu Yan tucked her and scooped her up. Then he used his god powers and floated towards his pilgrimage Hall. He didn't want to spread any rumours around God's releam. So he activated the disappearing power,so no one could witness him carrying a girl.

Within a few seconds, he landed at his pilgrimage Hall and carried her inside. Jing Ling had already arranged a room for her. So when Lu Yan took her there,Jing Ling was watching them from a distance with wide eyes.

That wasn't the first time he had seen his master hold her in his arms,but still, that made him have goosebumps all over his body.

"Nope, I shouldn't doubt him. He is my master and he always does the right thing. "

Jing Ling shook his thoughts away.

The next morning, Lu Yan was calmly sipping his tea ,sitting at the garden bench. It was early morning, and he wanted Qin Ru to learn something other than idlling.

Jing Ling was nearby sweeping the tiled floor. Lu Yan addressed Jing Ling.

"Jing Ling! Bring Qin Ru here."

He said him in a commanding tone. Off went Jing Ling.

Lu Yan studied a script while waiting for her arrival.


That was the fetrified voice of Jing Ling.

Lu Yan was indeed alarmed with his tone, for he knew Jing Ling does not act rashly, unless it's necessary.

So he took quick step towards inside. He met Jing Ling in the midway.

"Master!!! Qin Ru" He uttered with much effort. His face told that something bad must have happened.

So Lu Yan rushed to her room. Qin Ru was in her room. She was in her bed all quite, but she was not in a good state. Her whole body had turned blue.

Lu Yan panicked seeing her. He took her pulse, examined her eyes, and then....and then he asked Jing Ling to lift the hem of her skirt.

Jing Ling obeyed his master and lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing two bite marks above her ankle.

"A SNAKE...BITE...." Jing Ling uttered in horror.

As Lu Yan studied her body earlier,he could make sure that the venom entered her body before midnight. It had already spreaded up to her heart. Her spiritual bean was what stopping it entering her heart. As her current spiritual bean was powerful it could hold the venom for this long,if not she would have dead by now. But the thing was the power of the bean was weakening. She had less than thirty minutes to live ,unless something was done.

"How did this happen? Master....master....shall I look for the snake?" Jing Ling asked all panicked.

"Can we save her?" He asked with imploring eyes.

"We will do what we can to save her" He replied to him.

"Bring Tian Lu here right now."
He further said Jing Ling and retired to his library to find an antidote for he knew this is not just another snake bite, but an inland Taipan ,one of the most venomous snakes in the three releams.

While he was in the library he understood, that he misunderstood something last night. Qin Ru wasn't sleepy because of the flowers, she had passed out due to the venom by then.

"Then It happened at that time?" He murmered himself.


At goddess Sun Shi's chamber in the Ethereal Palace, she hard slapped right across one of her maid girls face.

"Why did you do that?" She asked her in rage.

The girl who was slapped had gone on her knees.

"Goddess Sun Shi forgive me. I did that for you. I thought she was coming your way" She uttered while crying.

"What????" She questioned her in anger.

"I just wanted to get rid of her. To make sure ,you have no hurdle ahead"


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