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Shifu....pls. please don't do this to me" She begged him,shaking her head.

But he didn't show any mercy towards her. He had enough of her. Enough of her tricks. Enough of her personality and traits.

So he uttered the final words.

"You can roam anywhere you want ,but you are not welcome in the upper god releam." His words were sharp and pointed.

"GET OUT OF HERE》》》》Get out of here》》》"


When the last few words escaped his mouth the next thunder bolt cracked illuminating the all gods' pilgrimage Hall.

The next moment he lifted his pointer finger and pointed it towards her making her engulfed by the air.

When she dissapeared in to thin air she could see ,goddess Sun Shi's lips twitched  a little from the corners.

Her heart ached like never. Soon she dissapeared from their eyes.

Jing Ling arrived at the place when everything was done. His face was no good, for he believed Qin Ru was not someone to cage someone unreasonably. For he thought his master acted rashly not taking the matters into consideration.

What was done is done , she had been expelled from the upper god releam.

Qin Ru had come back to the human releam. Her native land.Where else she could go? She neither went to Mount lookout nor went to the mountain of Sage's. She stayed in an economical town near the White emperor 's Kingdom. She had found an abandoned hut at the very end of the street. She cried for days not being able to digest her fate.

She spend almost two weeks crying bitter tears.She cried till her tear dry. Then it was just the pain ,and no more tears.

She needed to console her mind, as the thoughts were bothering her. So she decided to meditate. But that was something difficult for her to do. Everytime she closed her eyes, her defeat and Sun Shi's victorious smile were displayed right infront of her eyes.

First she was furious at her,but at last she understood that she, herself was wrong in many ways. She ruined Sun Shi's birthday, ruined her fame and hurt her family and friends.

Besides Sun Shi hadn't tried to kill her,instead she had punished the culprit. Whatever the reason, she had done the right thing.

Qin Ru thought she should have left the god releam when she politely asked her to do so. That way she could have protected her only bond with her shifu.

She recalled his harsh words.

" are no longer elegible to be my disciple. I cut all my ties with you as your teacher here itself."

She closed her eyes tight. She felt a severe pain in her heart,like someone had stabbed her.

"That is unfair though" She muttered her over and over again, yet she was the one to be blamed. She messed up everything trying to be the heroin.

She let out a sigh. It was time she should move on.

"He clearly mentioned he doesn't like me, but her. Only her. I have no place in his heart and never will be. My tears donot have a meaning. I would rather dedicate my life for something better , than lamenting."

And that's what she did. She helped the poor human beings. Their smile, their blessings made her day.

Moon goddess Yan Ki was the one who worried much after hearing the news,for she gave her the false information.  She tried to converse with her after her dissmissle from the god's releam, but Qin Ru said nothing much.

Instead she had asked goddess Yan Ki to treat god Tian Lu with some moon cakes on be half of her. Thereafter she didn't contact her. She wanted to forget her past so badly.

Though it was truly difficult for her to forget her past she determined that she should. One reason she chose that city was, it being one of the chaotic cities. She could hear people talk,smile and walk along the streets. She felt less pain that way. She felt ,she was a part of their society. It helped her settle her mind,but whenever she could see a white robe flutters in the wind,that reminded her of him. Her shifu.

As the time was moving so slowly in the gods' releam they hadn't recovered from the shocking incident yet. Specially Jing Ling.

He was not pleased with his master's actions,but he was in no place to go against his words. It had just been less than twenty four hours and Lu Yan was back at his pilgrimage hall.

Though Jing Ling couldn't go against his master's decisions, there was someone who could. That was god Tian Lu.

"True god Lu Yan! Do you think your actions were justifiable?" He asked him in a pissed off tone. For he had understood, Qin Ru wasn't a bad girl, within the short period of time he acquainted with her.

Lu Yan didn't even lift his head from the script to answer him. His rude behaviour made Tian Lu more angrier.

"I am telling you, you went overboard. Can't you see ,goddess Sun Shi did something very wrong keeping it a secret. It's true that she punished her maid in advance, but if she was a just (justifiable) goddess ,she should have informed that to you. All you did was taking her side. That poor girl Qin Ru, didn't get her justice ,she deserved."

Tian Lu went on pouring his anger,trying to change Lu Yan's mindset.

"Finish?" Lu Yan uttered at the end keeping the script away.

Tian Lu frowned at him, and then he threw last words  to his face and left the place in anger.

"You will regret it. You will regret it one day"

It was more of a threat than a curse.

Lu Yan's face squeezed with his friend's words. He waited there trying to get hold of him, and then came outside to have some fresh air.

His friends words rang through his ears once again. He looked at the full moon, which she loved the most.

Qin Ru was sitting at a street bench,also looking at the moon. Though she promised herself that she wouldn't live in the past, and she will forget ,she wanted to go back to that carefree past, one last time.

She remembered their first encounter. She never thought the master that Jing Ling mentioned would be a handsome young man. So it was love at first sight.

Then she remembered the day he took her as his disciple. Though her life was very short ,she felt blessed being around him.

Next she remembered their second encounter as Snow Ball. His gaze on her melt her, and made her recall her previous life. Then she remembered him driving her away from the mount of Sage's,and  he himself saving her from the Red Fort.

Back then he fought so hard to bring her back to life. She remembered the way he punished her when slacking off from the studies. That brought  a smile to her face

He used to hit her with the handle of the ink brush when she made slight mistakes in calligraphy. Those tortures had become sweet memories in her memory line.

"I won't be able to make anymore memories with him"  She said to the moon with a broken tone.

She didn't want to recall any further ,for most of the things which took place in the gods' releam ,not being happy memories.

Lu Yan let out a sigh looking at the same moon.

Eversince that incident occured Jing Ling hadn't faced him properly. He knew he was upset with him, but still Lu Yan thought he did the right thing. Many things could have turned upside down if he didn't take that decision at that time.

"I shouldn't have liked him. I shouldn't have. " Qin Ru retorted looking at the moon.

"You shouldn't have liked me. You shouldn't have"

That was Lu Yan's turn to say.


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