Nor you nor me

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Lu Yan's heart suddenly stopped.


He blinked his eyes in daze.

"Qin Ru!!!!!"

First is first. He couldn't believe his eyes. Secondly, he couldn't stay still. Unless there was a great gathering, he would have stood upright. All these years, he tried to forget her, cursing himself,but deep down, he grieved for taking her life. For making her life miserable,but little did he know she was dwelling so closer to him.

It did make sense. She definitely died on his arms infront of his eyes, and she had been born again in the lower god releam as goddess Li Mei. He was indeed so relieved to see her. It felt like a heavy burden was lifted from his heart. He could finally forgive himself. His face lit up by the enthusiasm till the very next thought  hit him, making his face darkened.

"She is bethrooted to Yuan Qi...."

For a reason, it made him uneasy. In other words, he didn't like the feeling. First, she was his first disciple, and secretly, he had been thinking of her as a potential girl. It was something he found out not long ago. But he aborted the thought, thinking it's very inappropriate for a true god like him to have filthy thoughts while he already had what he wanted. The love of his life ,Sun Shi.

Back then, when everyone was giving him the cold shoulder,he consoled his mind, thinking, "I  have her, Sun Shi". That way, he could move forward. But little did he know his own thoughts. He didn't push ,so he couldn't figure it out. That's why it was difficult for him to digest the fact that Qin Ru and Yuan Qi are a couple.

When he was having this battle inside his head,someone was keenly observing his every movement from afar. That was the moon goddess Yan Ki,who knew their past in detail.

That day at the battlefield, when Qin Ru took her leave saying she has a good reason to fight against the demons Yan Ki didn't pay much attention to what she said at first,but when the truth hit her after long minutes,when she finally figured it out Qin Ru went looking for danger, the Lu Yan she too rushed back to her.

But she was too late. The damage had already been done. Qin Ru was laid in Lu Yan's arms. Anger built up within her, for she knew Qin Ru had sacrificed her life for nothing. So when it came to gods, she hated two true god, Lu Yan and Sun Shi.

When Qin Ru's last breath mingled with the air, her whole body shattered  into tiny sparkling pieces. Yan Ki could somehow revive parts of her soul, and the soul was implanted inside already weeks pregnant Wu Han's womb who happened to be Li Feng 's wife.

So Qin Ru was born back as Li Mei and Yan Ki was always beside her as her shadow. She didn't stop from there and betrothed her to her son Yuan Ki.When she learnt that Li Mei doesn't have any of her past memories, she was even happier with the news.

Yan Ki did want to stop Li Feng from inviting the true gods,but they had Li Mei after a long wait of thousands of years as their first born,so they wanted to give her the best of all. So naturally, she becoming impatient and observant was insistent.

As soon as the inauguration came to an end Lu Yan stepped out with the heavy heart towards a summer hut. He had forced himself to not to think of her,but he couldn't help but think only about her for the time being.

"Her appearance hasn't changed a bit. She left 20 heavenly years ago and she is 20 heavenly years old. That make sense."

After sometime he left the summer hut when the gods and goddesses scattered away. He walked along the path which led to the holy pegasus the winged horse for he couldn't pay him a visit for a long while.

He was almost at the junction when a group of goddesses were confronted with him from the other direction. They bowed at him and greeted him in unison. At another time it is very unlikely for him to look directly into them unless there 's someone he know among them,but this fateful day he looked up just to meet with her eyes.

His eyes glued to her seeing her pretty close. The time stopped for him. He couldn't say whether his heart skipped a beat but it wasn't as calm as before.

Yet he noticed something. Her eyes were distant unlike Qin Ru's. All she did was paying the form of respect just like others around her.

Then they went pass him. Lu Yan did want to call her by her true name. He  thought he managed to control his mouth till he himself hear him calling her by name. It was abrupt, her name slipped out of his tongue.

"Qin Ru!"

That alarmed the girls who were already leaving. They halted and looked back at him. But his eyes were only fixated on her. Goddess Yan Ki was becoming more impatient every passing second. She feared about Li Mei the most. If she somehow recalled her memories back,she would not love Yuan Qi for Yan Ki knew her better. That would break both of their hearts. But Yan Ki still had a hope that she would not recall.

What a timing, Jing Ling was also coming in search of his master to break the good news. As the true gods' seats were already reserved at the front in the arena, Jing Ling had to sit away from him. So they were experiencing the same situation as two individuals.

As soon as he saw his master up ahead at the junction he called him out with  eagerness.

"Master... master... did you ....?!!!!"

He didn't  have the chance to finish. When he was about few steps away from his master reflexively his eyes too landed on the goddesses and fixated them on the very goddess,Li Mei.His eyes widened with enthusiasm.  He rushed to her calling her by name.

"Qin Ru.."

Just then Lu Yan closed his eyes tight and opened them back with the same guesture followed by a knowing look.

"Qin Ru . I missed you so much."

Jing Ling uttered in absolute friendliness  which was taken blankly by the goddess herself.  Other goddesses were looking at each other making faces.

Goddess Li Mei seemed astonished for the second time in a row hearing them calling her with a strange name. She looked at Jing Ling with the same blank expression before awakening her voice.

"Who are you?"

Hearing what she just uttered Jing Ling took a step back in bewilderment. He blinked his eyes several time stammering.


The goddesses didn't wait for long to hear him out. They bowed him anyway and went pass him.

When finally he could gather himself,Jing Ling called his master.

"Master.....master...she doesn't.."

But Lu Yan was the one who completed the sentence for him.

"She doesn't remember. "
"Nor you .......nor me"


The lonely star in your sky [Xu Kai]Where stories live. Discover now