The mighty poet

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Then without a mistake the  harsh hit landed on the palm,but it didn't belong to Li Mei.

Lu Yan's eyes widened in shock. It was Sun Shi who had extended her hand be half of Li Mei. He never meant to hurt her even in his dreams. But the damage was done then.

His world shook for the second time in a row.  He remembered him promising before the chief god that he would love and cherish his beloved from the bottom of his heart, but he had hurt her.

In the meantime Li Mei who had closed her eyes shut opened them in corner not feeling any pain on her palm. That's when she saw the blood reddened palm of Sun Shi. Li Mei ran to her side,held her palm and blew warm air over it. And then brushed her palm  tenderly over her palm.

That sweet gesture of Li Mei almost brought tears to Sun Shi's eyes. For the first time she realised how genuine the girl was.

After tending Sun Shi,Li Mei stood up in anger. She looked at his master with rage filled eyes.Then she extended her palm towards him signing him to punish her as much as he want. Sun Shi was indeed touched by her loyalty. Yet deep down she still had some grudges with her.

While Sun Shi was the one who was hurt, someone else was having a hardtime recollecting himself. To worson the wound Li Mei had called for war.Lu Yan looked at Li Mei who was frowning at him. Of course he was in no place to punish her. He was feeling guilty for making such a huge mistake.

He was indeed upset for hitting her,but he didn't know which made him more upset. Whether Li Mei calling her master, whether he couldn't keep his words to chief god or Li Mei's cold shoulder towards him. So he stood up and retired to his residence without speaking a word.

As soon as he went out of sight, Li Mei sat beside Sun Shi examining her palm.

"I do not forgive him for what he did. I will avenge him"

She retorted like a child and that brought a smile to Sun Shi's  face.

"Silly girl. I feel no more pain. Do never think of avenging him. He is a true god ,and you should never bad mouth one"

Sun Shi told her in an emphasising tone.

Though Li Mei nodded her head to what Sun Shi said, she was still angry with him.

In a way Sun Shi felt relieved seeing Lu Yan go all silent, for that hinted her about his sincerity.

"Li Mei stay here. I will go talk to him"
Sun She went looking for him.

In the meantime Li Mei stepped towards the Estern deck of the mount lookout. She stopped in her tracks in the midway.  She could see a stone table and a peach tree little bit ahead of it. She loved peaches.  Once Yuan Qi had brought a heavenly peach for her from the heavenly garden and she couldn't forget the taste of it for a while.

The peach tree was full of peaches so she started climbing it. Though it was the first time, she felt pretty confident while climbing it. She sat on a crook of the tree and picked a ripped peach. She was about to have a bite, when she heard Jing Ling scream.

"Do not eat that."

She looked at him in bewilderment who was under the tree.

"Goddess You cannot casually eat the things in the human releam."

That reminded her that she was no longer in the god's  releam. She quickly climbed down the tree.

"I almost forgot. Thank you so much for reminding me. I wish I had the herbal tonic so that I could have some of those."

She stated still drooling at the peaches.

Jing Ling burst in to a good laugh hearing her words.

"They do resemble each other." He muttered him.

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