What's wrong with him?

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She was so happy that she could learn how to read and write. Though Jing Ling objected, she went on calling the master,...shifu. Master Lu Yan also didn't disagree as he had already seen that her days  on Earth were out numbered.

She was supposed to die within a month.

Jing Ling, who was not that pleased about the master's decision on taking her as his disciple, wore a long face all day long. It took years for him to be his apprentice,but this girl was able to become his pupil within two,three days.

" Master do not even care her calling him shifu, so casually." He murmered himself while preparing a herbal drink.

To make things worse, the girl who was in high spirit came to accompany him at the wrong time.

"Hey, what are you making?" She asked, but he never even looked at her. Seeing he is making a herbal drink, her face fell.

" Why are you always making herbal drinks. Ever since I came here, I have never had a proper meal. It was  either fruits, juice ,tea, or herbal drinks. What's wrong with you? Don't you know how to make real food."

He was pissed off hearing the girl taunt at him. He really wanted to say Gods do not eat human food, but his master had asked him to keep it a secret. He didn't have a choice but to keep quiet. But now, as he was really angry with her for reasons, he talked back at her.

" Yes, I do not know. If you need real food,make them yourself, and don't bother me."

She didn't  want to start a fight. She just asked him as she thought it's absurd. Now he had asked ,she didn't back down

" Okay, I will. I will make real food and show you"
She replied to him.

" Sure you can, but you cannot make anything other than a vegetarian meal. This is a sacred place. If you want to go against my requirements....."

Then he showed the door

" You are free to go outside and make anything you want."

It was his turn to taunt her.

Her pride was at stake, so she made a face and grabbed a basket to leave the Mount lookout.

In the midway, she remembered how she was shot with an arrow while she was picking wild mushrooms. So she halted at the entrance, having a semi panic attack. Then again, she thought  she could just pick some from close nearby. She didn't want to accept the defeat.

In the meantime ,Jing Ling brought the herbal drink to the master, but Jing Ling's  face was as gloomy as a dark cloud. He didn't start a conversation as the way he usually did. Instead, he studied what his master did.

He was examining a natal chart.

"Jing Ling, what bothers you?" Lu Yan asked when he felt his subordinate's worries.

" Nothing master. "
He still didn't want to open up. He knew that master could read others' minds. He also knew that he won't use that unless necessary.  So he stayed rest assured.

" Where is that girl?"
Lu Yan raised another question, making Jing Ling angry.

" She went outside. " He uttered lightly.

Master stopped what he was doing ,and  and looked at him.

" I have told you to keep eyes on her. "

He told in a commanding tone

" She insisted she need real food. Moreover, she looked down at me, so I asked her to help herself. I saw her . She didn't go far. She was nearby. "

"  Hm..." Master Lu Yan assured himself. That made Jing Ling angrier.

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