The beginning

19 2 0

-----20 years later------

Location - At Human Releam, White. 
                    emperor's Kingdom.
                    City Street of Bahron.

A man in black is running through the street in a rush. A  girl cries, pointing at the direction he goes.

"It's a's a thief... He stole my purse."

Then suddenly, a gush of wind blows across the streets, making the banners,flags, and lanterns swirl.

"It's SHEEEeeeeee.........."

The crowd utters in amusement.

"Super Sonic Girl." They cheers her,not seeing where she went. Of course she was after the thief.

"3....2.....1....Got you," the girl utters, gripping him from his neck.

Then she lifts him above ground under the cheers of the spectators.

The guy ,who had been scared to death, gives her the purse with trembling hands.

She snatches it from him, and then there comes banging sounds from every direction.

The crowd sees nothing but her white ghostly figure beating him in a flash.

"Wow! She is super fast..."
They mumble with wide mouths.

The man who is beaten to a  pulp collapses down with purple bruises all over his body.

Then the girl plods towards the young girl who lost the purse and hands it to her.

"You are welcome" She utters before the girl could thank her, and then she disappears among the crowd in a matter of seconds.

"Wow! She can not be human."

"She is so pretty," a young man utters, almost drooling.

"Yes, though she wears a mask, I bet you, she is a pretty." That was another complement by a man

"She comes and goes in a flash." An elderly woman says.

"Eversince she came here, the city has become a likely place," an old granpa utters

"I heard she stays at "Royal Inn. " "
Another young man breaks a rumour.

"It's not a place simple people can go,"
A distressed voice says.

"Super Sonic Girl, we love you!!"

That was some teenage boys doing the fan service.

It had been some time since the Super Sonic Girl came to live with them. Whenever the citizens were in trouble, she came for help without a delay.

The rumours said that she resides at Royal Inn, where only the rich could set foot. Not just rich,but overly rich.

Location - Royal Inn, city of Bahron

The girl sits at a desk facing back. Her mask is on the table. Of course, she is enjoying  her breakfast.

A Stewart comes and  asks for her needs.

"Young Miss Rong Ru ,is there anything you need." He timidly asks.

"Hm...I need wontons stuffed with vegetable"

She turns and answers.

You guessed right. It was Qin Ru in the name of Rong Ru.

When she said she would forget the past,she needed a new beginning.  A whole new life. She built one for herself.

She was no longer the pathetic Qin Ru, but Super Sonic Girl Rong Ru. She had kept her name in the city thanks to her Super natural powers.

She looked like a human being, so no one doubted that she was a super natural being. They believed she was someone who had learnt some magic under a great sage because that's  what she said them.

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