She died meaningless

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" Shifu ! Give me the...word....tha..t....that you would"
She requested from him with a wavering voice.

Shifu nodded, his head assuring her. Then she closed her eyes shut and never opened them. She never opened them,and Jing Ling started shedding tears for the deceased.

" Master why couldn't you save her? Why did she have to die?"

Lu Yan was already back at his seat. He didn't want to repeat the same things. He had already said what had happened.

" Master....master, what does her last words mean? She asked you to save her family. I thought you erased her memories. "

It was Jing Ling again.

Lu Yan kept quiet for a few seconds and replied him back.

" I did erase her memories, and a while ago I understood that she was gonna die,so I transferred all her memories back to her. She will be reborn with all her past memories. And I will keep the promise, I will save all the villagers, including her family. Now, it's time to perform her last rituals."

That same evening, she was buried where she was first found in the wild, but making Jing Ling heart broken master didn't arrive at the place.

" She sacrificed herself for him,but master didn't even come to perform her rituals. Will he treat me the same way? "

He was sad ,he might have to accept the same fate. But again, he changed his mind.

" I should never bad mouth my master. I am his slave and my mission is to help him become a true god. So even if it counts my life ,I must do it without expecting anything in return."

He admired his master that much, so he determined to help him in every possible way.

That very night master Lu Yan flew across the sky with the God's army in the Eastern Gate ,towards the demonic releam. Master wanted Jing Ling to stay, but objecting his master's request , Jing Ling rode him on his back to the demonic releam,as he wanted to assure his protection.

That was a hell of a war. A huge battle was going between the demons and the gods. In the end, demons had to surrender and release the civilians of the Dengchan village. Then master Lu Yan sent Jing Ling in disguise to meet Qin Ru's family members to announce her farewell.

They didn't even know that they were abducted by demons. All they knew was they were at their village a few days ago and were transferred somewhere else. It was more like waking up from a long sleep for them. So they didn't know a single thing about the war between Gods and demons that happened that night. None of them had seen Gods or demons. They worshipped Gods and feared demons, but none of them had seen them in person. The stories of them and legends of them passed through generation to generation, and that's all.

So god Lu Yan sent Jing Ling in disguise. He announced them that their daughter had left the world saving all the villagers from evil so that she could be worshipped as a Goddess.

Indeed, that news sank their hearts in the ocean of sorrows, but her sacrifice made the villagers respect their family more and more. Tears were never there forever,so they moved forward in their lives.

Soon after the battle, both Lu Yan and Jing Ling were summoned at the council of Gods. So after spending several weeks in the gods' releam, they were back at the Mount lookout.

During the time they spent in the God releam, Lu Yan visited the parents of Goddess Sun Shi and was invited by them to meet their daughter. Lu Yan thought it would be disrespectful if he postponed the arrangement, so he visited the Palace of Etherel to meet Goddess Sun Shi as in the arrangement.

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