The training

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Mei still had the whole evening to celebrate Jing Ling's arrival. And of course he had missed a lot.

They were at the Eastern deck watching the sunset from the west.

"I am really happy you are back Jing Ling." She uttered in enthusiasm.

"So do I," Jing Ling's genuine reply came.

And then he talked to her again.

"I promise you ,this time I am gonna take you there to eat sugar haws." He said, wearing a big smile on his face.

"Again!!!! Wow!" Mei's reply made him baffled for a second.

"What do you mean by, Again?" He inquired her.

She was about to answer when they heard him.

" I brought her there." That was him, master Lu Yan, who replied, standing yards away from them.

"Master , did you?" Jing Ling asked in a low voice , surprised by his answer just now.

"I had some matrers to adhere regarding demon activities. I couldn't just leave her here alone, so I accompanied her."

Jing Ling was satisfied with his answer ,while Mei wondered when he adhered to any matters that day as they were always together.

Anyway, it wasn't something serious. She shook her thoughts away.

She was happy as she could go back there. But as always, her master was there to ruin her happiness in some way or another.

" Mei, tomorrow you are gonna practice sward fighting. I will start the training early,so you better be there in time. "

Saying so, he left the deck to his residence.

"Oh, can't you leave me for a second," She annoyingly uttered, making a face.

" That's what masters do," Jing Ling said with a smile.

At his residence, Lu Yan tried to concentrate his mind doing meditation. He paid his attention to his breathing ,but suddenly he heard a voice. A tiny voice. He listened to it. This time, he could clearly hear the voice. It was the same as his,but there was sarcasm in his voice.

"You did good today," He said with a smirk. Lu Yan was conversing with his own subconscious .

"She is my disciple. I had to save her, " Lu Yan answered.

As he was inside his mind,he could see his subconscious. Same appearance, different attires, and in a different posture.

That reminded him more of the nature of his friend Tian Lu.

"Is that the only reason? Then why do you have to embrace her so tightly? "

He was mocking his own self.

That made Lu Yan speechless. It embarrassed him. And he knew there was of no use lying to himself. So he awakened his voice again.

"I did embrace her. I feared she might disappear just as before at the blood bathed night. I can not take another site like that."
He answered.

"She was just your disiple. Why cannot you let her go? What's so special about her?"
His subconscious asked ,digging the depths of his heart.

"There's.....there's nothing special about her. She just saved me. Gratitude is what I have towards her. "

To that, his subconscious gave a good laugh.

"To whom are you lying. Whom are you decieving. Lu Yan....Lu Yan... Don't you understand. You like her, " He wispered into his ears.

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