Her last wish

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The lighting went right across her body, and she collapsed down without a delay with a scream. That one strike was too much for her to handle. Her fragile body laid lifeless on the ground beside Lu Yan.

Lu Yan could picture the happenings  from his third eye. He could picture the way she had laid on the ground. There wasn't  a single movement in her body. He gritted his teeth. He wrinkled his forehead, not being able to get away from the formation to beat the evil.

" Lu Yan, I came,"

He retorted victoriously, as he felt today was the day he was gonna beat mighty Lu Yan.

Lu Yan clearly heard him,but he was in the last step of completing the stage. It wasn't still time to step aside from the formation. He bared with the pain to reach where he wanted to be.

" We have a deal to close which dates back to two thousand years. A long forgotten one. "

He further added, releasing his wrath on him. Then, he slowly lifted the lightning rod and charged it with his evil power, but on time before he could make a move, he got a thrash from nowhere, which made him stop in the midway.

That was Jing Ling. He had regained his consciousness. He was weak, but he clearly knew how important  it's  to complete this stage for his master,so he threw a thrash, gathering everything left within him. Indeed, that wasn't enough to stop the bad guy, but it gave me some time for Lu Yan to break through to the next stage.

From one swift movement of hand, the demon Lord grabbed him from his neck and pressed hard, making it's difficult for him to breathe . He spat a handful of blood out of his mouth.

Suddenly, with a thousand glass cracking sound , master Lu Yan stepped out from the formation and leap to the sky. He had gained much more power than before and was ready to avenge his friends.

" Xuan Yu, the fight is with me,not with  him. He awakened his divine voice,which dragged the demon Lord 's attention towards him.

" Okay! Then let's bring this to an end."

Saying so, he released the grip on Jing Ling's neck, and he fell on the ground. He murmered, "master" in a faint voice.

The demon Lord also jumped to the sky to show that he also can be even, then raised his arms to the sky making dark clouds gather around him ,then he lifted the already charged lightning rod and it was striked by the lightning which was just ignited from the darkened clouds. It was his mighty weapon against Lu Yan.

God Lu Yan closed his eyes for a while and drew a complex formation using the tips of his fungers ,which brought all the golden rays from the four directions together. Then he opened his eyes, turning them into a golden sward engraved from his spiritual power.

The demon Lord got the upper hand and  threw him the first lash which could split a mountain in seconds, but God Lu Yan's sward form a barrier which cannot be penitrated from his lashes. The demon Lord didn't back down, he threw thrash after a thrash in vain. The power of his lightning rod was drenching as they were absorbed by the Lu Yan's ancient sward.

" You underestimated a God's power "

As soon as those words left his mouth, he grabbed his sward and penitrated right through his heart. Gush of dark blood whooshed out from his wound.

" Lu Yan," He murmered under his breath in pain and collapsed to the ground.

" You are no longer eligible to be a leader. Moreover, your people will not accept you as their lord. I have cut your spiritual vein so that you won't be able to practice any spiritual arts in the near future. I still spare your life as I have my own principles as a God. Now get ready to go the never releam and repent for what you have done"

God Lu Yan closed his eyes. He summoned two spirits in black robes. They took Xuan Yu away. He cursed Lu Yan, telling him he would avenge  him one day. He was brought to the darkest valley in the Never releam and was caged there, where thunders shatter every passing minute. He was supposed to be tortured by them for another thousand years.

God Lu Yan landed on the ground. He could see Jing Ling  stands up with some effort.  He was a thousand year old spiritual being ,they were granted with self healing powers. So as soon as he landed on the ground ,he went to her. Her face was becoming pale, and the warmth was escaping from her body. Without waisting a second, he  lifted her from both hands.

Jing Ling knew his master do not like skinship,but he was holding the fragile girl as she was someone who made a sacrifices towards him. But his face was bold, and Jing Ling couldn't read any emotions on his face. He also ran after master wanting to bring her back to life.

Her head went sideways, telling there was no chance for her to be alive. But Jing Ling wanted to believe that she was alive.For the first time, he had developed some friendly feelings towards an outsider. It's  true that they bickered earlier, but seeing her bravely stand for his master, he could finally extend the hands of friendship towards her.

Lu Yan laid her on the bench and tried to  concentrate on her pulse. He touched her bare skin , which made him shrudder.  That was the first time he touched a girl. He hadn't even held hands with his betrothed Goddess by then. That indeed gave him goosebumps.

Then he stood up and signed Jing Ling to stay away. Next, he performed  another complex formation and transferred a white Ray right into her forehead, closing his eyes shut.

After completing the performance, he sat at the stone table ,again with  a bold face. Jing Ling came near him and poured him a cup of tea.

" Master is she okay? Will she be okay? "
He hopefully asked,but Lu Yan didn't answer him.

Just then, Jing Ling could she her move her fingers. He ran to her and helped her sit. Though she regained her consciousness, her skin was still pale, and her lips were turning purple.

" Shifu!" She called him.

" Are you safe? Were you hurt?"
She asked. Jing Ling was super happy to see her come back.

" I am safe," He replied to her and sent a ball of light towards her. It floated and entered inside ,through her forehead. Suddenly she closed her eyes.
Jing Ling was observing their movements without  having a clue.

" She then barely smiled to herself."

Seeing her do that, Jing Ling, who was dumb found ran to his master.

"Master, what's happening? Is she okay?"

Lu Yan didn't keep quiet this time. He awakened his voice.

" She is gonna die within five minutes.  She was a mortal and was hit by a  demon lightning rod. The poisoned had already hit her heart. There is nothing I can do. "

Hearing that, Jing Ling's heart fell to the ditch. He thought she could live up to a month.

" That means master can be wrong too,"
He murmered to himself.

Qin Ru looked at the figure of her shifu lovingly one last time. Seemed she knew her times up. The next second, she collapsed back to the bench. Lu Yan strolled towards her after Jing Ling.

Jing Ling called her name.

" Miss Qin Ru! Miss Qin Ru"
She slightly opened her eyes again and smiled at him.

" Jing Ling, don't miss me,"
She said in a faint voice. A tear escaped from Jing Ling's eyes. Then she looked at shifu affectionately.

" Shifu ! Give me the...word....tha..t....that you would ..save..my...family"
She requested from him.

Shifu nodded, his head assuring her. Then she closed her eyes shut and never opened them.


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