The promise

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A sudden breeze came in, and it flipped to the cover page of the book. The title said,

"Ten poems for shifu!!!!"

He was never in the thought that he should see what's inside, but seeing the title of the book, his heart was brushed with an acute pain. Then he knew he had to see this.

He sat at the table and looked at the title, not blinking his eyes. It was definitely her handwriting, and the title itself sounded like her.

"Ten poems for shifu"

His eyes glanced through the title back and forth. He knew she liked him. Moreover, she threw her life on the line to save him,but he barely knew that she cherished him.

That reminded him she was telling him that she liked poetry,painting , and not history when she once was punished by him.

He sighed, for he felt so much guilty towards her. His heart sank ,as he couldn't apologise to her.

"I will read this ,and accept it wholeheartedly ,whatever it is," He mumbled to himself. That's all he could do.He brought his hands towards the book and opened it with trembling fingers.

Poem 01

His white robe flutters
To the rhythm of my heart
Thousand stars witness  🌟 🌟🌟

Lu Yan was sure he had seen this poem before. It was deep buried in his memory line,and finally, he could recall it.

"The painting," He retorted to himself when he remembered it.

That day, when Jing Ling brought him the portrait she drew ,and asked for the meaning behind the line written beneath the portrait, Lu Yan commanded him to keep it away from him and not to mention about her. But later, he felt sad, and he himself collected it and kept it there among his treasures in the pilgrimage Hall at upper releam as a souvenir.

Though she had confessed her feelings through the poem, he thought he could still keep it with him, as it was her first portrait of him. As it was her first effort of writing a poem.

Little did he know he had adored his disciple more than anyone else in secret.

She had modified the same poem and written it there, making it nostalgic. He had seen her drooling at him when he was tutoring her. Deep down, he liked her cheeky behaviour, but he never dig into his thoughts, so he didn't know his fondness towards her. Then he turned the next page.

Poem 02

Moon draws the sea waves
The fireflies and the white swarns
You draw me into you 🌙

He felt butterflies in his stomach while reading that haiku. She had been bold enough to mention something like that openly to him. That was all about her having feelings for him. His heart beating quickened without a note. He could no longer look at that poem,he hurriedly scrolled to the next ,hoping the next one would be civilised.

Poem 03

His hand runs along
The blank paper comes to life
Wish I could be it 🎨

He almost blushed reading the line. 'I wish I could be it. The blank paper'. He thought it was vulgar to even to write something like that.

"Is this what I have taught her?"

He shook his head. He was ashamed to read something like that when he was bethrooted to goddess Sun Shi. Yet his subconscious was compelling him to read further. His mind was messy anyway, and he was in a state where he couldn't focus at present. He didn't have the control over his mind,he usually had .So he did what his mind said him to do. He turned the next page.

The lonely star in your sky [Xu Kai]Where stories live. Discover now