The battle

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The moon!!!" That's when it hit her. It had been a week since she had last seen  the moon. It was never up in the sky for the past few days.

And today, the sky seemed darker and gloomier than the other days. Just then, a lightning occurred within clouds, not landing on earth.

She felt something was definitely wrong. She feared something bad might have happened to goddess Yan Ki. So she picked up the medallion from her waistband  in a hurry, which was given by goddess Yan Ki herself. Then she rubbed the gem in the mid and wished.

"Take me to the lower god releam!"

When she opened her eyes, she was in the lower god releam, but it was nothing like before. At a glance, she could detect the strange aura that had spread over the releam like a cloud. It was foggy and unbreathable. The light had left the ambience as well.The garden benches,swings, and tents had been flipped over by an unknown force. And to make things worsen, there was no sign of life.

Qin Ru's could feel her heart beat harder against her chest. Everything was pointing that something unfortunate had taken place in the lower god releam,and she didn't like it much.

Yan Ki was the godmother of her kind,and she had a special bond with her. She refused to believe what she was seeing. She roamed everywhere, calling her name.

"Goddess Yan Ki....goddess Yan Ki..."but all she could hear was her own voice disappearing through the fog.

"Where is everyone?" She murmered herself with a trembling voice. Her heart quivered.

All of a sudden, she was feeling chilly cold all over her body. Since the lower god releam had engulfed in the darkness, it had made the weather turn upside down. She strolled ahead aimlessly, shaking top to bottom. She didn't want to lose her hopes.

Finally, she could hear a faint cry from a distance. When she closed the gap, she realised it was someone who was groaning in pain.

"Is someone here?" She called out, ignoring the chilly weather. The groan stopped, and she could no longer map where it came from.

"I am a friend . I am here to help." She talked to the disolated open area, hoping she would get a response.

Then she could hear someone sob.It was coming behind the garden fountain. Qin Ru slowly stepped towards the place.

It was a maid girl who had crawled up in a ball. She could say that much from her garments. She was crying, hiding her face. Qin Ru bent down and removed her hands from her face.

"What happened?" She asked in concern.

The girl broke into tears with her soft voice. Qin Ru patted her back. That's when she saw the wound on her leg. She transferred some spiritual power to ease the pain.

"The demons......" The maid girl awakened her voice.

" The demons....they are after us. They were here a little while ago, " She sobbed.

"They attacked us today afternoon when no one thought they would."She uttered, shaking badly.

Qin Ru bewildered hearing the word " demons." They had attacked the lower god releam today.

That made sense. The time in god releam was slower than that of human releam. So five ,six days in human releam were equal to few hours in god realem.

She had been living long  twenty years in human releam, but it had just been less than a year in god releam. She had lost the track of time,as she had been living in the human releam.

For the first time, she understood that things might not have changed much in the god releam as it had just been a year. Anyhow, it wasn't the right time to inquire about the changes when everything was in abyss.

The lonely star in your sky [Xu Kai]Where stories live. Discover now