Master Lu Yan

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Let's back up.....

Gods and goddesses who were originally born  with good looks adorned with their best sparkling garments attended the flower festival at lower god releam, for it being the first ever most festive event took place after the great battle which happened there twenty years ago.

Li Mei naturally was out of the moon as her parents organized this glamorous event to announce her and Yuan Qi's upcoming engagement to the whole god releam.

The flower festival had already started since morning. Young god couples from every corner had gathered there to witness the colourful blossoms while feeling loved. It wasn't difficult to see smiley couples wandering here and  there in hand in hand.

Not just them young goddesses and gods who were looking for compatible mates were common in the festive grounds too. It was all about Li Mei, and she was not supposed to wander freely like other couples as it was their big day. It wasn't a secret for her close relations, but the outsiders should be surprised with their appearance, so she was let to hang out only with her friends wearing the masks as directed by her mother -in-law to be.

Li Mei had been brought up giving all the comforts a goddess can wish,so she was a naive,cheerful goddess and didn't have any idea regarding hardships in life or the depth of life.

That was the same reason why god Li Feng had that in his mind in secret to give her a proper education regarding the origin of the releams, expansion, and her duty as a goddess towards the three releams.

But she who had no idea about such , was having fun with her friends enjoying her life to the fullest.  It was almost afternoon, yet there was no end to her playful behaviour. 

The clock was ticking, and she could see the distinguished guests from different parts of the releam were arriving there for the ceremony.

(Li Mei)

"Yes, I could see them arriving for the ceremony.  I couldn't be more happier than seeing the guests. I could see gods and goddesses in different attires. Some seemed very funny to see. That's when someone asked direction from us to the pavillion. I was the one who pointed out the way to the pavilion. When he walked pass us,I saw this god who was wearing a white elegant robe . The word  SHIFU....involuntarily slipped out of my tongue seeing him"

"What did you just say, Shifu.....?"

" One of my friends questioned me, but I didn't  know why I called a total stanger shifu. That was the first time I saw him ,but I should have provided my friend with a convinced answer and that's what I did."

"I don't know. He seemed little familiar. "

"Little familiar. Don't you know who it was ?"

"Another friend asked me. I nodded my head in a no"

"Then she said it's  nothing to be surprised that I didn't know for I am only 20 years old. All my friends were older than me."

"He is the Fourth True God in the god's releam. True God Lu Yan"

"Hearing that name I could feel an electric current run through my heart. The next moment it was gone,but I was sure I have heard that name before."

"Anyhow soon I forgot the matters as I fell back to my old company. When the ceremony started I could see true god Lu Yan sitting among the distinguished guests at the very front and then again I was carried away by the happenings and never recalled him."

"Then after the ceremony when Yuan Qi went to meet his colleagues I ganged up with my friends again to have some fun. When we were walking ahead I could see true god Lu Yan walking along the flower lane deep in thoughts. I knew we were about cross paths and when we did I bowed him and payed respect just as my other fellows. But that's when he called me by that strange name.

Strangely I knew he was calling me, though I didn't know why. As soon as that name left his mouth I felt nothing but resentment towards him. I wasn't sure whether it was anger , disappointment, or rejection, but anyhow just before I could come out that trauma a strange lad too called me by that name.

"What was it...yes...Qin Ru. He addressed me so friendly while I had no clue. And then the lad introduced him to me . What was his name again...em....em....Jing something. Was it Jing Ning?  I don't know. Anyway as I didn't know him I raised the question who are you? and I could see him panic. What was with that lad I thought? Later when we walked down the lane I remembered that it was the same lad who asked for directions."

That explains something. Lu Yan used the mind reading spell when she was having the second attack seeing the total stranger (Jing Ling) who was showing great fondness towards her. So her mind was as blank as a sheet of paper when it came to them. That made him decide that Li Mei doesn't have any of her past memories as Qin Ru.

"Next at the banquet my father had organized only for the higher ups, to my dismay I learnt that he was thinking to make me undergo an apprentice period under the true god Chen Yu who happened to be the master of Yuan Qi."

"I thought my carefree life was  coming to an end and I didn't like a bit. Little did I know worst was yet to happen. Master Chen Yu humbly refused the offer ,  giving my father another option. When he said "I can recommend you someone better in many aspects..Lu Yan."

"I felt as my whole world was crumbling down. The  resentment towards him sprouted up in leaves and buds for an unknown reason hearing the very name. Noooo I would be a disciple of anyone but him. Somehow my mother -in-law to be came for my help. She pointed out facts why I cannot be his disciple"

"And then...and then...surprisingly the true god Lu Yan also said things in favour of me. He said a young goddess like me should not be forced to learn,and he said that I have  a long way to go. He told my parents to let me choose what to do as well. I was touched by his words for a second,but that didn't change the fact that I resent him. I didn't hate him but my conscience always told me to stay away from him."

"When the things were almost about to resolve goddess Sun Shi appeared from no where like a dream. Oh...she is sooo pretty. When she said she would accompany me in the studies, I was out of the moon. I had heard from my fellows that she was the goddess who was betrothed to god Lu Yan from birth the very same day. So I thought as long as she is there with me I can learn under any strict teacher and I agreed right away."

Li Mei who was in her chamber strolled towards the window sil and looked out of the window.

"I do remember you....Shifu. Though I donot know why I called you that I do remember. But I am in no mood to dig into that. Not today. No never. "
So hereafter I would call you MASTER....MASTER LU YAN.


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