Arthur- your idiot

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I run down the halls of camelot's castle laughing. Arthur curses from behind me but his voice is full of joy.

"If only my father could see this." He mutters. I grab his hand and pull him into a small alcove. He rests his forehead against mine and smiles.

"Ah yes but if he was here I would not be able to do this." I whisper against his ear and I move my lips down to his. He instantly responds and he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer. Then he breaks apart shaking his head.

"We can't do this. Not here." He whispers and I pout hiding my anger. "Don't give me that look. you weren't there when my father thought gwen loved me. He went mad." I lower my gaze from his eyes and he laces our hands together. "He threw her in the dungeons. Accused her of sorcery. I cannot and will not let that happen to you." I do not meet his eyes. He lets one of my hands go and he moves my head up with his thumb and finger. "I love you Aide. My father cannot change my feelings but he will try. That's why we have to hide this until I know he will except it. Except us." When he says us my heart quickens and I look up in his eyes my anger gone. I smile and cup his cheek. He tries to place a kiss upon my hand and misses making me giggle smiling.

"Your an idiot." I say shaking my head. He smiles at me looking down.

"Ah yes. But I'm your idiot." I smile again before placing a kiss to his lips and leaving the alcove beaming.

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