031 - Baby

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THE rest of the night was more comfortable than Siren expected. She didn't end up feeling forced to hide all the way on the side of bed and eventually allowed herself to lie more relaxed instead of tense or worrying about touching Thomas.

But after all, her mind contained too much thoughts and she wasn't able to get clear conclusions or opinions about how she had cried in his arms.

She was grateful, though. That for sure.


Don't you dare, she thought.

"—baby." He added with that stupid smile of his.

Groaning, Siren threw her head back. "I hate you."

"No, you dislike me, but not strongly." He told her, his voice still deep and hoarse and somehow, that gave Siren tingles in her stomach.

"But I'll never stop sayin' I hate you. It has become a habit." She crossed her arms, even though she was still lying on her side.

Thomas smiled and as he did, his eyes trailed over her face. The smile turned less big, yet it stayed there, on his lips.

"What?" Siren grunted again. "I know I look like a corpse when I wake up. Stop staring, Crackhead."

He quickly turned his head to the ceiling. "I think you look pretty great for early in the morning."

She barely took his compliment. "Early? I'm not waking up early when we finally get a comfortable bed." And she buried herself under the sheets. "Good night, again."

"No, food is ready between seven and nine, so hurry! And I bet there's a beautiful sunrise and birds and-."

"Sleep is also beautiful. How can you be this happy early in the morning?"

"Grumpy Mermaid."

"I'm not grumpy." She smashed her head into her pillow. "No one can smile all the time. Except for you, maybe. Now give me that blanket."

"Hey!" Thomas, who first had half of their blanket covering his body, yelped. Siren had pulled the cloth over her own body, wrapped like a- "Burrito. You look like a burrito."

"You look like an idiot."

"You are an- ow!"

"Stop being dramatic. That was just a kick."

Thomas groaned and nearly rolled off the bed from pain. "Just a kick?! I'll kick you back!"

"No, you really won't."

"I know I won't." He exhaled, then had to smile, then it vanished. He would never have the guts to even give Siren a playful kick, damn. "Can we get breakfast now?"

"You go get breakfast on your own. Don't need me for that."

"But you need breakfast too."

"Well then I suggest you to be a gentleman and bring me breakfast on this bed."

"Alright, I will-."

"I was kidding."

"I wouldn't mind bringing you-."

"Please don't."

"Will you please come with me?" He tapped Siren on her shoulder, then hung over her body to make eye contact. "Pleaseee?"

"I hate you." She said, but she sat straight up. With a satisfied smile, Thomas got out of the bed, followed by Siren.

He wore a red T-shirt. His pants were made of a material that contained black and red squares, matching with his shirt. Same as Siren, though hers were blue.

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