003 - (Annoying) Greenies

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SIREN had rolled her eyes the next day. She just came back from running and boys were already swarming everywhere, gossips about the Greenie and how he went for a run going around.

Greenies came up in the Box, some weird square elevator that delivered supplies to the Gladers once a week, and once a month, a Greenie. A new person in the Glade, who the others loved to tease all too well. Even Siren couldn't deny that it was funny making up lies for the Newbies to believe.

Except she didn't really enjoy other boys telling everyone she was some unnatural thing they couldn't come close to.

But she got over it quickly and rushed to get her dinner before the excited boys met her. On Greenie days, she ate dinner in the corner of the Glade to avoid the crowd. Fry gave her chicken wings and some vegetables she ate without complaining.

Mean while, there was a conversation going on about a hundred feet away from her. "Who's that?" The brunette boy who couldn't remember his name yet asked his millionth question that day.

"Someone you don't want to mess with." Chuck replied. The whole day he had been hopping after the Greenie and did his best to give him the ultimate tour. "I heard-"

Too late.

The boy was already making his way to Siren, who was eating her dinner calmly, unbothered by her surroundings.

"Hey! Don't do that!" Chuck awkwardly jogged after him. "That's Siren. Wouldn't recommend introducing yourself unless you want your last words to be the 'Hey, I'm the new Greenie', man!"

Except the Greenie didn't give a shit and continued his walk toward the girl. Chuck gave up. Rolling his eyes, he sat down against a tree and watched the Greenie make his way to Siren in a funny-looking process.


As if she only now noticed the taller shadow towering over her, Siren looked up. Triumphant she greeted, "Hi."

There was a slim boy in front of her. Pale skin. A few moles dotted on his cheeks. A recognizable nose where the tip curved up in a way Siren admired it. Thick, brown hair and eyebrows. Brown eyes too, but those weren't very visible because of the sun behind him.

She didn't allow herself to find him attractive, even though he kind of was.

"I'm... well, I don't really remember." He scratched the back of his head, his blue shirt moving up slightly. "The... what did they call it? Greenie? Newbie?"


A long silence in which Siren took bites of her food and didn't look at the boy anymore, while he only stared with confused eyes.

"Are you going to introduce yourself or...?"

"I'm pretty sure you've heard a lot about me already." She murmured. This wasn't new news to her. Plus, it was weird as hell that this boy randomly introduced himself. "Hey, why don't you leave and-"

He cut her off. "I don't believe that you're an actual mermaid."

He sounded so proud of his statement, that Siren nearly snickered. "Meet a Griever and you might rethink that."

"What's a-"

Sighing loudly, she looked up at him again. "Isn't there a bonfire organized just for you right now? I bother you more than they do. Feel free to join them."

But he didn't leave and continued with his questions, desperate for answers like any Greenie, except he was the only one that asked about Siren specifically.
"Why are you here all by yourself?"

Siren started to annoy herself with his questions more and more. Her temper was turning worse. She squinted her eyes at him. "Because boys are weird. Including you. Especially you."

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