034 - Updated Bonfires

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EVENTUALLY, Siren and Thomas entered the fire after some more drawing classes and the hug that had lasted longer than it should have.

Siren hadn't done much to look... pretty, or whatever. Black cargo pants sat around her legs and her torso was covered with the red shirt Thomas gave her. He wore the brownish pants he had been wearing the whole time, along with a new gray jacket and shirt.

It looked better than how that description sounded, let's just say that.

The vibe that hung around the fire was cheerful. People were laughing, eating, drinking, dancing, and making music. It immediately reminded Siren of the bonfires they had in The Glade, except this one included grown ups, too.

She didn't see that as a benefit at all.

"Are you okay?" She had been noticing Thomas was a bit anxious... as if he was unsure about this.

"Yeah." He nodded. The words came along with an exhale. "Reminds me of The Glade... all of this."

"Does it make you sad?"

"A little, yeah." He murmured, looking down. "Because back then everyone was-." He paused. Frowned. "-there. Chuck, Alby.. and I remember Newt introducing Clint and Jeff to me."

Hesitantly, Siren touched his hand. Before she could pull it back, he intertwined his fingers with hers tightly. It genuinely helped the pain in her chest by hearing the names, especially Alby.

"Oh, and I remember you holding up your middle finger when Newt pointed at you and Minho to introduce The Runners."

That caused a laugh to leave Siren's mouth. Her eyes squinted. "Yeah, I remember that too."

They soon arrived. In front of them was a giant fire, wood burning and smoke fading into the air. All members of The Right Arm were spread close to it.

"They have food! Do you want to get food?"

Nodding, Siren followed Thomas to the tables. And indeed, food was placed all over the surface. Hot, cold, vegetables, meat, bread... anything.

She had no idea how they even managed to have this much, then decided it wasn't her job to philosophize about that, and took a plate in her hands.

"They have Italian, you know?"

Her face lit up. God, it had been a long time since she ate pasta. "They do?"

Thomas pointed at the spaghetti. "There it is."

Satisfied and with a big smile, Siren scooped some of the food on her plate while Thomas chose whatever food boys liked.

"Happy Mermaid!"

"Are you ever going to stop announcing my emotions and the nickname?"

"Moody Mermaid."

Siren rolled her eyes, Thomas laughed. Taking her bicep like he did most of the time, he pulled the girl onto a bench so they could eat.

"So what did you do back at the bonfires in The Glade? Just held onto being a grump?"

Siren gave him another glare. "No. I wrestled, actually. Not always, but a few times."

"And did you win?"

"Let's say... I did better than you." She confirmed, not wanting to show off.

"I did very good!"

"You got kicked so hard it made you remember your name."

"I made him so angry that he made me remember my name!" He corrected. "How did you remember your name, by the way?"

"I didn't remember it for at least a month. Minho got impatient and smacked my head against a wall."

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang