060 - Healing Wounds

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AGAIN, a million curses got shot at Vince once Thomas found out Siren lay in the medical room.

The original plan was for him to go get his girl and bring her to Lawrence (who he just met) so they could stay there, closer to the Last City, and not find her unconscious with bandages everywhere.

"She's fine, don't worry." Reeve assured. Zach had entered the Med Room too by now.

That was the reason Reeve stayed and hadn't gone to the protest. He kept Zach company, until Zach went fishing and Reeve spent his time learning medical stuff.

And even Thomas could see something more than friends between those two, and that boy was a crackhead.

"Her chip won't heal this, because Jorge told me it only heals certain silver, but her body has learned to speed the process up. The serum I gave her helps even more. It'll take less than five days for her to recover, I hope."

Thomas rubbed his chin, still frustrated. "What even happened? She didn't- oh, my god- please tell me she didn't do this to herself- Reeve-."

"No, I don't think so. Well- I actually have no idea. She didn't seem too broken when she arrived, and she was open to medical help. I don't think she did it to herself," he murmured, his minds spinning. "But it's an option. I don't know."

Thomas groaned in frustration. "Alright. I'm taking her with me, I don't even care. The beds they had there were much more comfortable than this stick based thing. She won't wake up, right?"

"I gave painkillers and a sedative, so no, she won't. She's still wearing her dirty pants. Asked you specifically to change-."

Reeve couldn't even finish; Thomas already rushed away to get his clothes. When he got back, he immediately hissed for every living soul to leave, then carefully changed Siren's dirty pants into his sweatpants. He managed to cover her torso even better with a sweater.

"Done," he called, and scooped Siren up in his arms. "You two, come with me. And hurry up. Gally's going to show us the inside of The Last City tomorrow."

Reeve and Zach both froze.

"The inside of the Last City?!"

Reeve's eyes almost jumped out of his head. "Gally? Thomas, what the shuck- tell me you're kidding."

"Just hurry up and I'll explain!" Thomas sat down on the backseat, allowing Reeve behind the wheel and Zach to sit next to Reeve. The brunette took Siren in his arms even tighter.

"Whatever happened... sorry I couldn't protect you from that, baby," he whispered the words so quiet no one else heard. "And please, never run away again. Everything drives me crazy if you do."

Obviously, she did not reply.

Thomas sighed. "We met someone and I'm not sure if you're gonna like it. Well, I know you guys were close to friends but not after-." He stopped abruptly. Swallowed. "You know."

"Where to?"

The boy looked up. "Uh, east side of the Last City. There's a whole neighborhood there. Go to that big building."

Reeve nodded. Then, "So... Gally? For real?"

"I'm not saying I enjoyed seeing him again," Thomas murmured, leaving out the fact he straight up punched Gally in the jaw and nearly threw more fists if Newt hadn't stopped him.

"And you said the place he's staying is more comfortable than ours?"

"Definitely. Gally got us a balcony, four bedrooms, and this bigger room, which is comparable to the main room here," he summarized. "He knows a way inside the city. Tomorrow, Newt, Gally, and I are checking it out."

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now