007 - "Don't You Dare, Thomas!"

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MINHO was the one to wake Siren up that morning. Just by a simple knock on her door, she immediately shot up, as if danger could cross her path any second.

"Hurry up, Bean. Alby and Newt are waiting." Minho said from the other side of the door. "Can I com-."



"You can't come in."

"I wasn't-."

"Yeah, you were, pervert. There's a reason I have a lock on there. Was hoping it got through your mind I wouldn't allow boys in." Siren spoke as she put her run clothes on. Brown-grayish shirt, black pants, brown run vest, hair up.

"Why not?" Minho asked. "You hiding something?"

"Yes, my innocence and maybe a body I'd rather not show hormonal boys like you." She murmured, annoyed this was going on again. Even though Minho was joking, it still reminded her that others existed who weren't joking.

Eventually, she revealed herself. Minho was packed and ready to go. He nodded toward the closed Doors, where for some reason, Alby and Newt stood.

"Why are they there?" Siren wondered as they made their way through the grass, drops of dawn wetting their shoes. "Alby and Newt?"

"You'll hear."

Siren frowned a bit, then followed in silence. Newt looked like he always did. Hair messy, beige shirt, brown pants. Alby, on the other side, wore a run vest and special shoes.

"Are you going running?" Siren joked, though she soon realized he was actually planning to run.

"Yeah. To trace Ben's footsteps."

An unwell feeling hit Siren. Alby was their leader. Not a Runner. She believed he could do it, but still. They couldn't just risk losing him. "Are you sure about this?"

"One hundred percent." He confirmed with a nod. "Newt will take lead today. And god, please make sure that Greenie doesn't do anything stupid, Newt."

He clicked his tongue. "On it."  

"Alright. Let's go!"

They ran in. Siren hadn't been wrong. Alby was a great Runner. He could run long distances and was pretty fast, yet it still wasn't reassuring.

"Talking about that Greenie," Alby said through his breaths as he gave Siren a glance. "Next time, don't push him against a tree and give him death threats or whatever the hell was happening."

"But Ben-."

"We're not going to blame anyone but that Griever for Ben. That Greenie's got enough people saying that things are his fault, and we don't need you to say that too."

Siren scoffed, offended. "So those boys are allowed to say that but I'm not?"

"That's not what I'm saying." A pause in which Alby caught his breath. "I'm saying that we don't want to make that kid a depressed baby. No more 'it's your fault', 'cause he can't do anythin' about it, all right? Imagine if you came up here and got blamed for klunk."

Siren hummed, not convinced but definitely aware they might've been a little harsh on the boy. 
"As long as he acts normal and does normal things, I'll be normal to him too."

Minho lifted a challenging eyebrow. "Your kind of normal or a normal human's kind of normal?"

"I'll see."

Not impressed, Minho nodded and continued running on full speed. He looked down at the ground, following the spats of blood on the floor.

Siren tried to ignore how truly empty she felt knowing Ben would never be there again. That she wasn't his friend didn't mean she didn't care.

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