064 - Never Let Me Go

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A/n: Yep, I know... this whole fight isn't as long as the movie at all. I just thought to make it different than most of my fanfictions and less boring since we've all seen this film before :)

SIREN knew she wasn't going to stay in the room.

She knew she wasn't going to wait for Jorge to show up. She couldn't stay and do nothing. Couldn't let horrible people like Janson and Ava Paige walk around like they never did anything wrong.

She still wanted them dead. And especially Janson.

Anxiously, she sat down on a bed and tried to calm herself. Tried not to run straight out of the room. But would could even go wrong if she was immune to the bullets and good with guns?

Thomas plopped down next to her, taking her hand before he started playing with it. Siren bit her lip. Her eyes focused on the window, where explosions were still going off. She could smell the burn by now, and the ground shook more often.

After a while, she focused on Thomas as a distraction. He had his tongue between his teeth as he intertwined his fingers with hers over and over again. His hair hung forward, an unshaved stubble on his face.


A hum was all that left his mouth in response.

"What're you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He clicked with his tongue and compared their fingers.

"You're more nervous than you should be," she commented. "Tell me what's going on."

Thomas sighed, long. Then shrugged. "I can't just... sit here and do nothing."

Her eyebrows flew up. "Then we leave."

He turned to her fast. "We can't- well, we can, but... uh- I don't even have a reason why we shouldn't."

Siren glared outside again. They had been sitting in this room for at least forty five minutes, and the city was already half ruined. The gunshots echoed in the distance. Buildings had exploded on the ground, except for WICKED's department.

"Then we go take revenge on Janson for good," Siren decided. She got up. Thomas followed.

"We'll be back," they called, and simply left without another word.

But Siren turned around the second the door closed. Once she noticed the hallways became empty, she knew something was off. "Thomas, we have to be careful." She stepped closer. "The fact there's no one else here, means the building is close to falling. We have to hurry. Okay?"

He nodded firmly. "Okay. I got it. We got it."

She nodded back. "Alright. Let's go, Crackhead."

With their guns in their hands again, they started walking through the building. Siren's stomach got filled with unease. Maybe she didn't enjoy bringing Thomas into this that much. She didn't want him to get hurt.

Stumbling by the shaking city, they made it a whole floor higher, on the search to Janson. Both of them knew that man wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted, and that was them.

"Thomas?" Jorge's voice sounded through the walkie, which they left with Teresa and the others. "I'm close to you! Tell me what side of the building you're in!"

Newt picked the device up and held it to his mouth. "He and Siren left three minutes ago. They disappeared before we knew it."


"Just pick us up and then find them. They'll figure their way out," Zach assured.

"Stop." Thomas held up his hand the second he saw a movement in the distance. Siren peeked around the corner. "Is it him?"

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