012 - Midnight Things

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THOMAS and the girl came back down when twilight had started to fall. He didn't give them a chance to meet her. No, he only showed them something she brought with her.

Two syringes filled with a blue liquid. The letters w.c.k.d printed on them.

"It must be for Alby." Thomas said once they all stood around Alby in the Med Hut.

Their leader was groaning and crying out, tugging at the bands around his wrists as black liquid streamed through his veins. It looked anything but good.

"You don't know what this is." Newt shook his head. He was staring at Alby with an unsure frown, rubbing his chin. "As far as we know this will only make things worse. What if it kills him?"

Thomas motioned at Alby, giving Newt a glare. "He's already dying! It can't get worse."

"He's not dying." Newt snapped. "It's the Grief Serum."

"Just try it." Siren said, for once on Thomas's side. "He's right. We have to take risks sometimes and as far as I know, neither of the past patients looked this bad during the Changing."

A long silence fell. Newt fidgeted with the syringe, unsure, then handed it to Thomas.
"Alright. Do it."

Thomas leaned over Alby's bed, readjusting the syringe. Siren avoided to look at the needle specifically— not her thing.

Three seconds later there was a loud scream. Her head shot up again.
Alby's eyes had opened, revealing how black they were and he was yelling things at Thomas madly, attempting to grab him, but his hands were still tied.

"It's all your fault!" He yelled over and over again. Spit flew out of his mouth. The brown bands around his body started to loosen with how much he trashed around.

Siren stared at the boy with a lump in her throat. Seeing their leader in this damn state hurt. Alby meant more to her than she thought, after all. He was the one who welcomed her since the beginning, and now this.

Newt pulled the wide-eyed Thomas away. Yelled for the syringe which the new girl took and then, stabbed Alby in the chest with it.

He immediately stopped attacking everyone and everything. His breaths calmed down, and his eyes closed again. Even the veins seemed to turn lighter.

"Well, that worked." Muttered Winston.

"From now on, someone watches him around the clock." Newt ordered with heavy breaths. "Yeah? Now get your asses somewhere else."

They all draped off slowly, Thomas having to make a little jog to catch up with Siren.

"Come on!" He whisper-yelled, remembering every single word from their conversation in the Map Room. "There's another girl. Go talk to her!"

Siren stopped. Turned around. "I'm not just gonna walk over to her and- Thomas, no!"

He had grabbed her by the shoulders and started pushing her to the new girl, who just left the Med Hut. "Here, she wants to talk to you!" He yelled and then sprinted away as fast as he could, knowing he would be dead otherwise.

"I'm going to kill you!" She screamed after him, probably for the millionth time since he arrived. Embarrassed, she looked at the new girl. "Sorry."

A warm smile planted on her lips. "It's okay." And she even held out her hand. "Teresa."

Hesitantly, Siren shook her hand. "Siren it is." She attempted a smile, which probably made her look even dumber. "You remembered your name fast."

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