016 - Escape

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THE first thing Siren heard when she woke up, was a female voice.

"You may not realize it... but you're very important."

She blinked against the light that suddenly entered her eyelids, although it wasn't very bright. Then she frowned, slowly. She remembered she had fallen unconscious... but weren't there supposed to be memories? Red flashes?

She didn't see them.

"Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun." The woman continued. "As you will no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods."

Siren managed to sit up, and even with her healthy body that hurt. She groaned quietly. Like she had a hangover, that's what it felt like.

After blinking a few more times, she was able to see her surroundings. A big room with lights that flickered on and off. Lots of computers and screens. Bloody bodies on the ground. Shattered glass. A blonde woman dressed in white talking on a bigger screen. A group of boys in front of it, listening and watching.

They... escaped?

"Siren!" Thomas had been keeping an eye on her as he listened to Ava Paige, and now noticed she was awake. "God, you missed a lot."

She pulled her knees up to her chest. Groaned another time. "What happened?"

"Well..." His shoulders lowered. "We fought off the Grievers. Lost a lot of people. And now we're here."

With some struggles, Siren scooted backward until her back hit the wall. Thomas held out his hand as she did so, but she refused his help. "How did you manage to get me here if there were Grievers?" She murmured.

"Reeve had you on his back. He stayed off the Cliff until Chuck and Teresa were typing in some kind of code, and until he saw a chance to run toward them." He explained quickly. Softly.

"Okay." She bit her lip. "Who did we lose?"

"I only knew one of them." A very long silence. "Jeff."

Siren's eyes immediately flashed to Reeve, her heart aching. Even with Reeve's back turned to her, she could sense how sad he was. She swallowed away a lump in her throat.

"But," Thomas continued, his voice still soft. "He saved Minho's life. He sacrificed himself for Minho."

Siren nodded. Attempted to sit a little straighter, which made Thomas touch her arm to give unnecessary help. She glanced at his hand. He quickly took it off, a small cough leaving his mouth.

"Who's that?" She pointed at the blonde woman.

"She calls herself Ava Paige." Thomas said. "From WICKED. World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department."

Siren's face lit up slightly. "We were right. Right about the letters meaning that."

He confirmed it with a nod. "We were."

Siren turned back to the screen. "Remember..." The woman pulled out a gun. "WICKED is good."
Siren's mouth fell open when she pulled the trigger, aiming the gun at her own head.

This was a lot, and she just woke up! Damn.

After Thomas flinched, he looked at Siren again. At her bright eyes and messy hair he liked- yeah, okay. Enough.
"Are you feeling better? You were out for a while." He said.

"Yeah." She moved her hair out of her face. "I'll get up. Would rather leave than stay in whatever this place might be."

Thomas smiled a small smile and got up himself. Even with Siren's obvious protests, he helped her up by taking her arm.

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now