052 - Fantasies

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Alright, so. Story time:
Me and my friend fantasized about Thoren the whole school day. Like, literally.

And we made up some very cringe but spicy and funny things, so don't blame me for this, blame LIFEISN0EASY cuz it was her idea

And I wrote this later in the evening which makes it even cheesier

You'll like it

Especially because I wrote this instead of my original, horrible idea that had to do with Amery

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Taken aback from the whole story Jorge shared with her, Siren spent the rest of her day walking around and did some thirty minute work out sessions every two hours, which was probably not good for her body, but it did clear up her mind.

She had felt like crying after what she heard, but didn't do it, as if it would make her seem weaker. She just shot some bullets at targets, imagining it as Amery (though she shivered at that), and hit a boxing bag.

She didn't want to think about him after today. It was the past. The year of assault was in the past. She couldn't remember it. She couldn't feel his hands, didn't know how it happened, where it happened, and why it happened. She just knew it happened, and she would stay with that. No being upset about it, no sobbing, no thinking about it.

Obviously, she hadn't told Vince where she was spending her time, so she already suspected him to show up later, and again, tell her she would have to share where she went. As if she cared.

Only after dinner she checked up on Thomas, with a hot cup of soup in her hands. She relaxed when she saw him. After the busy day where she had planned like a million things she would do the next months, it was nice to see him.

Awake, finally.

"Man, you slept in until the next bedtime!" She sat down on the bed, handing him the cup of soup. "You like tomatoes?"

"Well, since your face often gets bright red like a tomato, I do." With a grin, he grabbed the cup. "I feel better. My head's still heavy and the temperature keeps changing, but it's not as bad."

She rolled her eyes at the tomato comment, then smiled at the rest. "Alright. Life's stupid without you around, so you better be recovering. Also, what the hell were you thinking?"

Slightly unbothered, he took a sip of his spoon. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why would you dare to get a fever?" She shook her head, acting disappointed by holding her heart. "You're hurting my feelings with it."

He laughed. A bright laugh that almost caused him to drop the soup. "Not my choice that I got a fever!"

"Drink more water, Crackhead. We're still close to the Scorch and it's hot, so don't get dehydrated."

"I've changed my mind. You'd be a Med-Jack."

She smiled. Lay down on her back as Thomas ate... or drank. Whatever you do with soup.



He sighed, then chuckled. "I was wonderi-."

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now