029 - The Safe Haven

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(A/n: I didn't have time to edit this so I apologize for any grammar mistakes. Feel free to correct them so I don't overlook any mistakes once I do edit.

Long chapter!!)

"DO you see how pissed Thomas is at you now?" Minho whispered in her ear, slightly holding her waist so Siren wouldn't fly through the whole car. "Is that the purpose of th-."


"Alright. I find it hilarious."


"Though I do not enjoy this tension."

"There's no tension."

"I can feel the tension in this backseat." He said. "Of course there is tension. Is it sexual tension? It better be."


"Thomas, Siren wants- ow! Siren wants nothing. Never mind." He had quickly changed his mind because each time Siren hit him, it got a little harder and now his arm started to hurt from the amount of times she had hit it.

"Also, I've noticed you're not the only one in your denial phase." Minho continued. "Reeve and Zach? They're in love. And I think-."

"You ship everyone, but never say anything about your own life?" Siren cut him off, raising an eyebrow. "Who's the lucky one?"

He pointed at someone. "That one."

"That's a mirror."

"It's me. I'm the lucky one. I'm so lucky with my beautiful self." He attempted to clap on his hands, but with Siren on his lap, that didn't really work.

"You're so- shit!"

There was a loud bang on top of the car. Jorge stopped immediately, almost causing Siren's head to bang onto the seat in front of her.

"We're being shot!"
Curses as they bent down, though luckily, the car didn't let any bullets through.

"Does anyone see the shooter?!"


"Thomas!" Jorge managed to hand the boy something. "If anything happens or really goes wrong, throw that thing at them!"

"I thought we were about to be safe!" Minho hissed. "Goddamnit."

Siren's breaths were heavy. Minho was right. She had thought they would finally be freed from the danger, and now this!

Someone banged on the window. "Get out of the car!"

"Do not get out of the car."

"It's open. They can just pull us out, eventually."

"Shut your holes!"

"Do I throw the bomb?"


"Get out of the car!" The female voice again. Angry and urging.

"Alright. Just get out slowly. Thomas, if I give you a sign, you do throw the bomb." Jorge commanded quietly before he opened his door and stepped out of the car, his hands in the air.

The rest got out too, all holding their hands up. Siren's heart pounded as she looked around to find the shooters. Two women, bandanas covering half of their faces. One with blonde hair, one with dark dreadlocks.

"Don't move!" One commanded, both the guns pointed at their group. Siren bit her lip, unsure what was happening now.

The women their eyes flashed through the crowd. Siren noticed that they had something soft behind the demanding part, and that they weren't old. Maybe even the same age as her.

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt