041 - Tired

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A few days later, Siren struggled to fall asleep. She wasn't moving or rolling around, though. She just lay on her side, arms wrapped around a pillow and her eyes open. She didn't blink.

She was so tired. So very tired.

Her body was exhausted from whatever they put in the syringes they kept giving her. So she never had the energy to move and when she did, it would get tiring five minutes after. Her mind was on, though. It was always spinning with thoughts and memories, but sometimes it didn't feel real, or the visions were fuzzy, as if she was drunk.

And the worst thing of all was that she had no idea where everyone else was and if they were alive. She never got the chance to see what happened while she fought the guards and when she tried to imagine what could've happened, her breaths heaved.

Jorge and Brenda made it out alive, she knew. They ran off way at the start, talking about betrayals.. And Zach must've survived too, because he was hiding behind that car.

She gave up thinking about the others, just hoping they were alive and not close to her.

But one of them was. Minho, lying in the room next to hers.

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Her throat went raw from screaming that day.

Once Janson saw a part of Siren's back, he immediately knew what had happened and decided to add that as a scenario. 

"Is it working?" He peeked over a doctor's shoulder, at the computer screen that showed both Siren's brain patterns and the current visions playing in her mind.

The doctor just nodded and wrote some things on a paper. Another doctor shined a bright light in Siren's eyes. It calmed her down for a second, her face relaxing before it switched to panicking again.

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Thomas nearly broke a few bones when he found out not only Minho, but Siren got taken. Both his own and other people's bones.

After WICKED's attack, they left the Safe Haven. Luckily, there was an enormous abandoned building where they stayed until they would try to save Minho and Siren.

Thomas refused to get sleep. Every night, he was drawing and writing and exercising to get ready. He for once was actually making a plan, but it took longer than he wanted. They would need cars, more guns, a Berg, volunteers to help, and who knew what else.

Jorge found out that in a few months, WICKED would move all kids to a bigger building. If they sabotaged the train and lifted crates away with the Berg, Minho, Siren, Aris, and Sonya would be saved... but as Jorge said, WICKED would transport them in a few months, and Vince hadn't allowed Thomas to attack now.

"Go to sleep, Hermano." Jorge turned off the light so Thomas was no longer able to see what he was drawing.

"Leave me alone." He took the lamp and his papers, turned around, and continued his job at another table.

Sighing, Jorge stepped behind him. "Staying up is not going to change anything."

Thomas ignored the man. He took a new pencil, sharpened it, and drew more.

"Unless drawing dogs is your form of therapy." Jorge added, another exhale leaving his mouth.

"Leave me alone." Thomas's knuckles turned white around the pencil as he colored the dog in. "Unless you're gonna teach me how to draw."

"Unfortunately, my drawing skills aren't as good as-."

"No one's drawing skills are as good as hers." Thomas cut him off, not even wanting to hear the name.

"Kid, it's four a.m." Jorge snapped the pencil out of Thomas's hand. "And don't say you slept last night, because you didn't."

"I go crazy when I try to sleep." Thomas failed his attempt of getting the pencil back, so grabbed a new piece of paper and started folding. He had to keep himself busy, or he would go crazy.

"Don't blame me if you'll be exhausted tomorrow."

He didn't reply and threw the heart he just made on the ground, then went on to make another one.

Jorge gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Good night, Hermano."

Thomas mumbled something that wasn't understandable back. Ten minutes after Jorge left, Newt entered the room.

"Tommy, go to bloody sleep. Marie's about to knock you out for making too much noise."

Thomas did obey Newt, and walked into his own room. Most people had hammocks, but he managed to get a bed, just like Newt and Marie in another room, and Jorge.

"Good night." Thomas told Newt, which also meant 'leave me alone'.

"We both know you're not gonna sleep." Newt crossed his arms. "Which worries me. Do you want a sleep pi-."

"Stop worrying." Thomas sat down on the bed, exhaustion hitting him right after the warm sheets hit his skin. "I'll try, alright?"

"Alright." Newt stared at the brunette for a long time, gave him a nod, and left.

Thomas did try. He lay down, attempting to sleep. His previous tries all lead to thinking about Minho and Siren, how he let them get taken, and what they were going through now. Too horrible to think of.

He moved the blanket over his body and tried to focus on something that didn't have to do with Siren, but with no memories of what happened before he met her, it was tough. The Box didn't give pleasant memories and every other memory of the Maze for sure had to do with Siren and Minho. Thinking about Chuck's pranks only made him want to cry and running away from Cranks wasn't exactly a nice dream either.

He turned his head to the side for a second. A spot was left next to him, which he did not dare to touch.

One day, Siren would lie there and he would be buried in her arms as the little spoon... turned out, they both preferred that. Siren was more comfortable and Thomas had many reasons.

His arms wouldn't go numb, he was warm, felt safe, could smell Siren and how amazing that was, and she would scare his nightmares away without even being aware of it.

His arms wouldn't go numb, he was warm, felt safe, could smell Siren and how amazing that was, and she would scare his nightmares away without even being aware of it

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