025 - Finding Out

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TERESA and Siren were walking next to each other, both their eyes focused on the mountains, which seemed to be an endless distance away from them. The ground under them had turned harder, which did make it easier to walk.

Yet Siren's feet hurt. Her throat was dry from the lack of water, since they already drank all of that. Her stomach grumbled in hunger, but she couldn't bring herself to have a great appetite. Her hair fell down her head in ugly waves. It was greasy, and full of dried blood.

Her back felt weird against the sweater she had gotten. It didn't hurt much, but it was uncomfortable. Her skin wasn't even. It was ruined, marked with scars. Some still stung because they hadn't healed fully, but Zach's pills had already been showing result. She took them every night, secretly.

"So, was it okay to survive around the boys?" Siren asked Teresa, awkwardly starting a conversation.

"Yeah. It was." She confirmed. "But I'm glad you're back. That's even better."

Siren had to give everything to smile at the girl. "I'm glad, too."

She smiled back. "How're you?"

"Fine. How are you?"

"I'm good." Teresa nodded. Readjusted her jacket. "Hoping we'll get somewhere soon, because I've got a feeling my period will come, eventually."

Suddenly, Siren was very glad she had ended it right before they escaped.

"Yeah." She agreed. "God, it's hot here."

"Yeah, you're wearing a sweater." Teresa let out a slight chuckle. "Why?"

"Zach gave it to me." She started explaining. "Because my shirt was... it was very dirty."

"I have an extra shirt in my bag..?" Teresa was already opening her backpack as she spoke. "Here."

It was a white shirt with short sleeves, the bottom cut high enough to see the belly button... so also the scars.

"Oh- uh, thanks, but I'm fine." Siren swallowed, hard. "I'll stay in this. The nights are cold anyways."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks, though."

With a small nod, Teresa stuffed the shirt back in her bag. Siren shrunk in her own body, the shame making her blush in embarrassment. The thoughts of how she would have to cover her back up the rest of her life making her shiver.

Kids would be scared of it, she realized.

"Boo." Two hands on hear shoulders and she got pulled away from Teresa. "Sorry, Tes, but I'm gonna steal this one for a sec."

"What do you want?" Siren mocked to Minho, who had a slight grin on his face.

"Quite a lot, but I'm sure you don't have any of that." He cracked a smile. "Nah, I wanted to talk."


"I don't know, just to talk to that great best friend of mine instead of Newt because he's... once again, angry at me."

She frowned. "Why?"

"I said something that made me seem heartless."

"Maybe you are."

"You're rather heartless than me!" He defended fast. "Anyway. I tried to make a joke but he didn't find it funny and said I'm supposed to grieve but I can't though I want to but— too much buts. Butts. Damn, butts."

Siren's eyebrows scrunched deeper. "What was the joke?"

"Doesn't matter. I tried to cheer him up with that joke but he only got more pissed and then I tried making another joke and it went completely wrong." He said.

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