018 - Unsafe Abducts

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TERESA and Siren had arrived in the showers. About five cabins stacked next to each other. White walls around every single one of them. Right in front of the cabins were two big sinks. Towels hung on the wall, shampoo bottles stocked in the showers, and clean clothes lay in the corner of the room. It smelled clean and by the sight of it, it was.

"I'll take this one." Teresa claimed one of the cabins. Siren nodded. Did the same and quickly hopped in.

She had trouble removing the sticky clothes she wore. They were covered with food, blood, and slime. Grossed out, she stripped them off. Untied her ponytail and attempted to brush through the knots in her hair with a few fingers.

"Shit!" The second she touched the water, she jumped out again.

Teresa, who obviously heard her curse from the other cabin, asked, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, uh. Fine." Siren held her fingers under the water. Let it run over her skin for a while, having to get used to it. The water was warm. No, it was hot. But in a pleasant way. Like, the perfect temperature.

She was used to cold showers, that was why she jumped.

Hesitantly, she got under. It sent shivers down her spine, but it was nice. The hot drops ran over her skin. Steam flew out of the cabin. She relaxed her muscles and stood there for a while, doing nothing but staring at the wall.

Eventually, Siren took the bottle of soap and scrubbed her whole body. It took a while before the dried blood and dirt was off. She rubbed her skin raw, maybe not even minding if she could just peel a layer off. Too many memories were hidden in her body.

With her wrist, she was careful. The cut the Griever made still hadn't healed, though the stitches did make the process faster. She frowned at it. How come she had healed from the Griever's stinger so fast, but not the dagger?

Quickly she shook the thought off and started washing her hair. Massaged the shampoo in, from roots to ends. It took at least three washes for the sticky slime and food to get out.

She watched as the blood got taken away into the drain, wondering if it was even her own. It could've been anyones. Chuck, Alby? But once she thought about those two, she shut her eyes closed in a second.

God, if only she hadn't hugged Alby. They would've had time to move away from the wall and he would've never got grabbed.

She couldn't get the image of his face out of her mind. Take care, especially of yourself, he had told her. Siren squeezed her eyes shut. Wished to bang her head on the wall.

"Not my fault," she whispered, but it didn't convince her. It was her fault. "It's not my fault."

But anyone she seemed to touch or love always vanished.

Forcing herself not to think about them, she took a deep breath in. And out, and in. Then promised never to think about them again. They were gone. No point in grieving if it would only damage her more.

Who knew how many minutes later, Siren got out of the shower. Dried herself, and tried the new clothes on. Surprisingly enough, they fit her perfectly.

A blue v-neck, maybe a little deeper than what she was comfortable with, but she was grateful for what she got. Black pants, wide. New combat boots. Black, too.

"Teresa, you still here?" She asked, her voice echoing through the room.

"Yeah. Getting dressed right now."

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