053 - Final Plan

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MANY weeks of training, practicing, and working out later, Siren could join the rescue.

They stood in the main room, around the table with a big map in front of them. "Jorge and Brenda are first to show up. Distract the train. Once they call for backup, you distract them and take The Berg they sent."

"How do we know for sure that they're bringing a Berg?"

"No other vehicle can catch up with the train that fast," Vince explained. "Then Thomas, Siren and I drive behind them. We drive on the rails, jump onto the train, and make sure the crates apart from the front. We search the one where Minho, Sonya, and Aris are in. Give Newt a sign. He burns away the car of the wheels. Thomas, Siren, and I climb up in the mean while. We shoot the guards, Newt climbs up. Jorge, Fry, Zach, and Brenda stole the Berg by then, and lift the crate up. Reeve and Marie go with Newt. Protect him while he's doing his job."

Siren stood in the corner of the room, her arms crossed and back leaning against the wall, and sighed lightly. "What about the other crates?"

"We can only take one."

"I know, but tell me we're going to save the other kids too. They deserve to be tortured just as less as Minho, Aris and Sonya." Her gaze trailed over all heads in the room.

"Once we saved Minho, Aris, Sonya and all the other kids in their crate, we sent them to the Safe Haven with our boat. The original plan is to put all of you kids on that boat too. Jorge and others, including me, would rescue the remaining kids from The Last City. That place is too dangerous for you guys. If WICKED happens to catch you, it's over. Seriously, over."

She wanted to resist against that plan, but eventually chose not to. A few weeks ago, she already spoke up against the plan and it only lead to moody people, which she did not want to go through again.

"Any other questions?"
It was silent.
"Alright. Then I suggest you get a good night sleep before tomorrow."

Siren sighed another time, but she believed the plan would work. It took months of preparation and training. She cared about Minho enough to give everything she had. They could do it.

And Thomas finally managed to shoot straight, so that wouldn't be a problem either.

"Come on, Mermaid." Her shoulders got taken by him and he (gently) pushed her toward their room. "Gotta get the beauty sleep."

"Do you think-."

"Stop worrying already."

"But do you think we're gonna succeed-."

"I think you shouldn't worry about that right now." He sat her down on the bed. "I'll be back in a minute. Remain here, don't hurt yourself, don't overthink. Yeah? Yeah. Alright, bye!"

She watched him disappear, then sighed for a third time. Her mind was spinning with thoughts she didn't want to have. With theories of what could go wrong tomorrow or what she would do if she didn't take the right crate.

Eventually, Siren sat down at the little desk and spread her drawings in front of her. It had gotten a lot of drawings in the past years. She could literally take all the drawings of Newt and watch him grow from thirteen years old to seventeen years old. Same with Minho, Reeve, and Fry.

She stared at what she drew in the middle of a Gathering, back in The Glade. It was when her job was about to be decided and she was bored, so drew the whole room with all the boys in it. Minho was less confident by that time, but for sure was grinning. Nick and Alby were talking to each other. Newt watched, and Gally was smiling at Siren.

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