049 - Awkward Meals

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SIREN couldn't get herself to eat the pasta in front of her.

Redness was still spreading on her cheeks, and she could also still feel Thomas's hands pressing against her thighs, or his lips on her skin. His bare chest. The heavy breaths she could still hear right now. Hands all over both their bodies. The way he had ground against her. Her back against the wall. Thomas humming and groaning. Her own whimpers and cries. Holy. Freaking. Shit.

She took her glass of water with shaking hands, hoping this would do something the cool her down and get her mind somewhere else than their moment back there.

"Have you got a fever too?" Marie grinned, obviously asking to embarrass Siren even more.

She choked on her water as she shook her head. "Yeah." She coughed the water out. "A fever."

The next few minutes only included chews and sips of drinks. Siren didn't dare to peek at Thomas, as if that would get them caught even more. Oh, and Jorge was still shooting daggers with his eyes at the boy.

Vince walked in earlier. He hadn't said anything about the fact Siren disappeared the whole day, but she could guess she was gonna get a confrontation after dinner.

"Oh, my god!" Brenda whispered, her eyes big from twinkling. "Jorge, do you happen to know the symptoms of having a fever?"

Shouldn't have brought Jorge into that.

He averted his eyes from Thomas and rested them on Brenda. "Why?"

"Siren got these red marks all over her neck. Is that a sympt-."

Now Thomas spat out all his water and coughed so heavily Siren got afraid he would suffocate.

But then she realized what Brenda had said. Red marks. Neck. Shuck, no. She slammed a hand on her neck, which hurt because of the sensitivity, and her eyes widened. No, no, no. This was... oh, god.

"I'm going to the bathroom." She got up so fast she almost tripped. "Excuse me."

"I will-."

"I think you'll be perfectly fine going to the bathroom after Siren, Hermano."

Siren had disappeared into a room, which did not seem to be a bathroom. So with her hand still on her neck, she walked back into the main room. "Where is the bathroom again?"

"We don't have a bathroom. Just the sea."

"Ah." She nodded. "Then I'll just..." She gave Thomas a hopeful look before she disappeared into their own room.

"Thomas, don't you dare-."

But the door to their room already opened, Thomas fled in, and he locked the door behind him.

"Jorge's going to kill me."
"Jorge's going to kill you."

After three seconds of staring at each other, they bursted out laughing, not even caring everyone could hear them. Siren took ahold of Thomas's shoulders so she wouldn't fall over as he threw his head back.

"A... fever," she gasped for air. "Such a bad fever."

He moved her hair out of the way and stared at the red marks on her neck, then laughed again. "You have really bad symptoms."

Siren giggled into his chest. For once, she didn't feel ashamed for laughing like that. Then she whispered, "We gotta flee."

"Right now?"

"Yes!" She pointed at the door. "We run outside as fast as we can."

"And then?"

"After a while, we sneak back in to prevent any confrontations!"

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