042 - Finally

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(A/n: Definitely didn't paste two chapters in one...

Whatever, this involves Thoren's best moment, so you'll be happy)

HE dragged her into her room with some force, anger that had been forming for days finally taking over. Siren kicked and hit him, but he was too strong and eventually, the door slammed shut and she was all alone.

"Calm down and maybe then we'll talk."

"Hey!" Her fists banged against the door. Hot tears streamed down her face from both anger and betrayal, not to mention how messy her hair and body looked. "Just listen!"

"I will only listen when you stop crying and hitting. Three of my men hurt by you!"

"But you have to believe me." She sobbed. "They were hurting me too! They touched me!"

A long silence on the other side. "How?"

"He was holding my arm as we walked!" Another angry slam on the door.

"Siren, Hija..." A sigh. "Holding someone's arm is no reason to break the whole building down. Did you tell them you didn't like it?"

Her mouth opened, then closed after a wince came out of it.

"Did you tell them you didn't like it?"

"...no." She admitted. "I didn't, but-."

"Then next time, you do." And he walked away.

"Wait!" Siren pressed her whole body against the door. "Jorge, please! You... believe me, I- Jorge!"

But he was gone.

Siren stopped resisting and sat down on the cold floor, her back sliding against the door.

"But last time I told him I didn't like it, he didn't stop either," she whispered, then grunted in anger.

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Her screams were echoing through the room again.

Siren barely had any time to think about her dream that morning; they already dragged her out of bed and into the next medical room. She was unconscious when they got her ready for the sessions.

It was a rough day. She hadn't enjoyed being back in The Glade after trying to escape that place for three years. It was awful, really.

But, this didn't exhaust her as much as watching her loved ones die, or going through more torture from Adkins. She was actually able to move when they brought her back to her room and even her thoughts were clear.

She thought of what she had said. How she had planned to take down WICKED and Amery... she still could, if she would just manage to escape.

The hallways were always loaded with a million guards, so that was impossible to get through without weapons and proper energy. There were no windows in her room either.

Siren climbed out of her bed painfully slow. Her muscles were stiff, causing groans to leave her mouth. And with each step she took toward the door, her legs got heavier.

She reached for the handle, pressed it down, and- obviously it was locked.

A part of her wondered if this was even real. Whatever, she wouldn't have energy after the next session, so why not waste it now?

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