040 - More Torture

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TERESA watched on the other side of the window, but even from there, she could hear the screams coming out of Siren's mouth.

A big amount of wires were attached to her body, draining blood out slow enough for it to be survivable. On her temples sat wires with both different reasons. One to give Siren fake scenarios that only happened in her head, but seemed real, and one to check her brain patterns, which would help with a cure too.

She didn't look the best, obviously. Dark bags sat around her eyes and her cheekbones were unhealthy sharp, like she hadn't eaten in days. She had, though... but mashed potatoes being fed to you while you're unconscious doesn't do a lot.

At least Teresa made sure she was the one to change Siren's clothes, and not some random male doctor. She ignored every scar she saw, reminding herself of her choice and which side she was on.

She would betray them again, and that was her motive to go through it. Nothing made her feel comfortable here, especially not watching not only Siren, but also Minho get tortured, yet it was for a good climax. A cure to The Flare.

Another scream left Siren's mouth, causing Teresa to look up again. A tear slid down the blonde's cheek when a doctor opened her eye with his fingers and shined a light in it.

Siren was dressed in a dark blue shirt now, "property of w.c.k.d" printed on the back. Her normally wavy, yet messy hair was tied in a low ponytail, a few strands hanging out because of how much she had been moving.

Another scream that ripped from the bottom of Siren's throat, and more tears. Teresa folded her arms over her chest, rubbing her chin.

The hardest part of this all, had been when Ava asked her to write down a few scenarios that would stimulate Siren's brain patterns so much the results could be a cure. With each thing Teresa wrote, she felt worse, but it was a need.

Two weeks after sharing a bed with Thomas, Siren was now watching him die in front of her over and over again, in so many different ways her screams and tears had terrorized the doctors a few times.

That was what Teresa predicted would be a trigger, so she had written it down along with some other things, like being back in The Glade... but at night, in The Maze with the same voices Siren had heard that night she was locked up with Minho and Thomas.

Watching Siren cry over both Reeve and Minho's death was sometimes even worse than Thomas's. Sobs so fast and loud the girl had to gasp for air between them, before she yelled out in agony.

And yeah, Siren was still conscious enough to know most things were fake, but that didn't mean it didn't affect her.

"That's it for today."
Teresa let go of a breath at that sentence.
"Get her in her room."

The wires got removed off Siren's body and the needle in her wrist slid out. Two doctors took her by the arms, not even making the effort to lie her down or something... nope, just drag her through the hallways.

Siren's eyes only opened when they had tossed her on the bed. It was a bunk bed, but no one slept above her. The room was made of complete steel, with no windows.

Reminded her of Adkins.

She stared into the distance, tears slipping from her eyes in silence. She barely noticed her wet cheeks, either. Just stared with duff, only half-open eyes.

It took a full ten minutes to regain energy so she could roll on her back, now staring at the bed above her. Not a lot of thoughts went through her mind this day. The events had been too rough and drained her out so much, that she just wasn't able to think normally.

There was only one thing she was able to think of, just like she did every. single. night.

"Brown hair, brown eyes, blue shirt, cute nose, perfect face," she whispered, just as the days before.

She couldn't forget what he looked like.

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, Thomasحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن