048 - Caught

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⚠️ tw: A quite detailed make out session, a pissed off Jorge, a jealous Thomas, hysterical teenagers, and a clueless Newt.

And a very long chapter

GROANS left Siren's mouth with each push-up she did. The first five had gone okay, but after that, her arms seemed to give up. And she hated it. In The Glade she could easily do twenty, if not more!

She had found an empty room in the building. The walls and ground were both made of gray concrete. Her groans echoed through the room, and faded into the open window in the corner. She had sight of the beach, but today, it wasn't the most beautiful. An ugly sky, wild sea, and the sand just didn't look nice.

She went through a dilemma before she found this room, because she at first wanted to help make a plan to save Minho, but somewhat everyone claimed she couldn't do anything to help. The plan was set and Siren couldn't help with preparing the vehicles.

Neither Jorge or Thomas wanted to share the plan with her. It was "too early for you to worry about that stuff" and "Jorge and I got it under control, baby".

Blah, blah.
She wanted to help. She had to help. But her desperate tries of doing so didn't work, so she decided to go train. At least she would be fit again.

But, she sadly wasn't in a good shape at all. Not even a slight bit. Every little thing exhausted her and one time she got so sick of it, she nearly punched the wall.

"Ten." A last grunt and she fell to the floor, her arms hurting as if she had lifted the whole Glade up.

It would've gone way better if someone encouraged her to keep going, or maybe even forced her to do it.

No one would do that better than him.

And only thinking about him hurt her heart. She sat up, breaths heavy, thoughts spinning. If Minho would only be transferred to another building in a few months, that meant he was still just a few miles away from her.

"I can't," she whispered, and she was right. She couldn't risk getting tortured again.

And even if she did manage to save Minho, Vince would somewhat drown her for going out there, and Thomas would be furious too.

Not an option.

But, she could kill off a few guards without anyone noticing. The ones wandering around WICKED's way station. And if they were all dead, they would sent new people to guard. New, new, new, until they had to sent doctors to do it. And then the building would be empty, and she could share what she had been doing.

Not bad.

Sit ups weren't exactly her favorite on the harsh floor, but she did them anyways. Her healing powers had turned little by little stronger. The more she worked out, the better they worked. So her back was healing again. The scars never healed, but nothing hurt.

"Where is Siren?" Jorge's voice that made her stop working out immediately.

"I don't know." Vince. "I swear if she's-."

If I...? She frowned.

"She's smart enough to realize it's not safe close to WICKED, Hermano. She won't go there." Jorge again. "Although I sometimes regret giving her that chip. Works in her benefit, but makes her take too much risks."

She scoffed to herself. What 'too much' risks?

"And where's Thomas?"

"Trying out the guns with Zach. We got them loaded in yesterday. To practice for the save."

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