005 - Solving Rumors

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"WHAT did that Greenie ever do to you?" Reeve handed Siren a piece of bread as he asked. "Like, is being mean your love language or what?"

"No." She grumbled, but gratefully took the bread because it was garlic bread, also known as the best bread. "I just don't like him. He feels..."


"What the shuck, you pervert!" She gave him a slap on the arm. Not just a weak one, but a real slap. "No! I just don't trust him."

"Jesus." He rubbed his arm. "You sound like Gally, then you hit me. You're turning into Gally." A gasp. "Oh my, is your eyebrow curving up?!"

She rolled her eyes. Poor Gally.
"He asks all these questions other Greenies never ask. And he asks me them, while I'm sure Chuck told him rumors about me. It's weird. And he's so curious about the Maze!"

Reeve hummed and touched his chin. "Well, not all Greenies can be the same. If it wasn't for those Grievers, I'd be curious about the Maze too. It's not that weird."

"Maybe he's a spy." She blurted out, but the idea actually made sense in her head. "An assassin? Nah, definitely not. But a spy's possible!"

"Yeah, you're jacked." Reeve murmured. He plucked some grass out of the ground and blew it away out of boredom. "I think you should be a little nicer to not only him, but everyone. You're not seen friendly by others, trust me. Sometimes I wonder if you even find me nice."

Siren shrugged. "You're nice. You're kind, and I'm not. That's just how it is. I'm not kind."

"You really are Gally."

"Gally's kind." She frowned. "Not to everyone, but he can be nice."

"And you can be too!"

"I'm not changing my personality for stupid men."

Reeve sighed dramatically long, and lay a hand on her shoulder. Then quickly, he let go because he saw the glare Siren gave him. "Just try to be nicer. Don't want ya to make any Greenies cry, do we?"

"I never made Gre- hey!" She rushed up from her place, her instincts immediately on when she saw that Greenie standing way too close to the Doors.

"And there we go. So nice..." Reeve muttered as his eyes followed Siren stump over to the curious Thomas.

"What do you think you're doing?"
The boy flinched at the sudden loud, dominant voice. He shook out of his thoughts about the Maze and stared at Siren, speechless for a second.

"I... I was just checking it out." He stammered, then having the confidence to take another step closer to the Doors.

Siren pressed her lips together. "You're not going in there, Greenie. Those things are about to close and I'd rather not have a crazy Alby on my roof for letting you go in there. And besides, you're not a Runner. Heard the rules? Don't ever go outside those walls."

Thomas remained silent and to Siren's pleasure, stepped back. His eyebrows scrunched a bit, then a stupid smile formed on his face, followed by his eyes lighting up.

"What?" Snapped Siren, her tone annoyed, yet there was a hint of curiosity.

"You have an accent." He grinned.

She nearly punched him for the millionth time he arrived. "No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." He moved closer, causing her to take a step back, away from him. "Say 'ever' again."

"No." Siren held her head up. Crossed her arms. "I'm not saying that again."

"Hm." Thomas rubbed his chin. "Yep, it's definitely Australian. Just a little accent, though. Not extreme."

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