013 - Section Seven

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SIREN got out of bed pretty fast, attempting to avoid anyone seeing her walk out of Newt's hut. That would cause... rumors.

She would have to run again. With Minho and Thomas, actually. It turned out that the mechanic they found in the dead Griever had a red seven on it. That was the section they would inspect today.

Siren put a new shirt on. One that had been sent along with the other clothes she asked for when Thomas came up in the Box too. It was dark red, had long sleeves, and she specifically requested material that wouldn't smell when she sweated. After that, she covered her legs in simple black leggings, combat boots, and put on her run vest.

Minho and Thomas were already waiting for her at the Doors. Minho with his normal run clothes, Thomas in the clothes he had been wearing the whole time too, except he now had a run vest. Matted hair from sleeping in the damp grass and a little tired eyes.

She gave Minho a nod, telling him she was okay, and they started running in silence. Minho took lead, Thomas ran behind him, and Siren all the way in the back.

It was a long run. The walls got taller by the second, causing their breaths and footsteps to echo more and more. Siren could feel her heart make a jumps with the amount of time she had been running. The good ache of adrenaline in her legs. The cold wind slashing against the skin on her face and ruffling her light hair into more waves.

She was surprised Thomas was able to run this distance without any training. And he didn't seem more out of breath than the older Runners, either. She couldn't tell if that was strange or good. However, it did work in their benefit.

A big, red seven sat on a stone wall. They arrived in the outer section, a place where the walls stood way further from each other and where Blades stood. Tall, rusty things that looked like they had been there for years.

"What the hell is this place?" Thomas muttered. He spun around slowly, taking in every detail of the giant place.

"We call 'em Blades," was all Minho said. They didn't have much time for a whole education.

In a slower jog, the trio continued moving. The mechanic of the Griever was in Minho's run vest, sticking out slightly. She could see a shiny knife at the back of Thomas's vest; he already got his equipment.

At some point, Siren almost bumped into the boys because they randomly stopped running. Bent down to something on the floor as she looked over their shoulders.

Minho lifted a shirt into the air. One that was painted red with blood, completely soaked.

"It's Ben's, isn't it?"

All Minho did was make a slight movement with his head, preforming some kind of nod. As he swallowed, he lay the shirt back on the stone.

Siren hesitantly put her hand on the boy's shoulder, hoping that would give some kind of support. Ben had been one of Minho's best friends, after all. And by this Siren could see he wasn't that okay with banishing Ben either. Just hid it behind the mask... of course.

The three got up again, in silence until there was a loud beep. Siren tensed, her eyes narrowing to see any danger, but soon, Thomas found out it was just the mechanic in Minho's run vest making the sound.

The brunette pulled the thing out of Minho's vest.
"Whoa, hey!" Minho murmured.

Thomas ignored him. Just stared at the mechanic as he took some steps. His eyes focused on it. Squinted a bit.

"I think it's showing us the way." He realized. "Come on." With a motion, he let the other two follow him.

Slowly, they walked around. Thomas listened to the beeps. When they went faster they were going the right way, slower the wrong way.

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