010 - Suspicions

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STILL unsure about the things that happened in the Maze, Siren ate her dinner in a corner. She didn't feel like being social... as usual.

The voices were weird. She thought about it and what it could mean, but couldn't get further than thinking the Creators were messing with her mind and trying to get her killed or something.

Whatever it was, she hoped it didn't happen again. Crying felt forbidden and she didn't want to do it another time. It made her feel weak, like she was an easy target. She didn't want them to think she was someone they could just try to hit on. No, she wanted those boys to stay away as far as possible.

About Thomas, she wasn't sure either. He was an oblivious idiot, that was clear. But he was brave. Yet that wasn't enough for her to trust h-

Her thoughts stopped when a big shadow moved over her. She sighed. Shook her head. "Leave me alone, Crackh- oh, Gally. It's you."

The Builder stood in front of Siren, his arms crossed over his brown shirt. He was so tall Siren had to look up fully. Cold, blue eyes with pressed together lips and very short hair.

"Hey." He sat down next to her without consent, but she didn't really mind. Gally was alright. "You okay?"

"As far as I can be okay after that night, yeah, I think I am." She nodded. "You?"

He stared straight forward, face of steel. "I'm okay. Just... suspicious."



She scoffed, and that scoff soon turned into an unbelievable laugh.


"I'm suspicious too." Her laugh ended in a sigh. "And I don't get why. It's just... he wants to be a Runner suspiciously bad and runs into the Maze. I've never seen any Greenie do that." She paused. "What happened at the Gathering?"

"He got a night in the Slammer. He's in there right now." Gally explained. "Was the least I could try to do. Most were against punishing him. But I mean, he still broke a rule. Don't care if he saved Alby or not."

Siren hummed. "Yeah, he broke a rule. It's fair enough."

He nodded. "Oh, and I think you should know... Minho wants him to be a Runner."

"He... what?" She spat out. Confusion made her frown, but then she reminded herself of Thomas's results from the night in Maze. He did kill a Griever. "Did he turn into one?"

"No. Not yet, at least. I'm pretty sure he will be one too." Gally leaned against the wall, jaw clenched. "And I feel like that's exactly what he wants. He's planning something. I know, because I saw him."

Here came the sensitive shit.
"You did?"

"Yeah. 'Cause of the Changing, ya know?" The boy exhaled. Threw a rock into the distance.

Most people in the Glade were aware of the fact Gally got stung once. Quite a long time ago. And now he seemed like a grumpy bully, even when he wasn't. He just had a hard time after he remember everything. Mood changes, and he claimed he saw horrible things, which Siren believed. He wasn't that bad, just seemed to be.

"I believe he's one of them. The Creators. He was working with them."

"A spy?"

"Maybe. But for what?" They both frowned.

"Sabotages? So it's harder for us to find a way out?" She straightened her back, full attention on now.

Gally pressed his lips together. "Yes. So if you notice him doing anything strange in the Maze, tell me and we'll talk about it."

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