014 - Traumatic Times

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"HAS he said anything?"

They all stood in the Med Hut; Siren, Teresa, Minho, Newt, Jeff, Clint, Reeve, and Thomas.

Alby sat on a bed, still shirtless. The black veins had vanished and his eyes were normally brown again, yet it broke something inside Siren to see silent tears run down his face. So badly she wanted to lay a hand on his shoulder or maybe even wrap an arm around him, but it didn't feel right to do.

"No," Teresa replied. She touched Siren's shaking hand carefully. "But the poison is completely gone."

But that didn't mean Alby was the same as before.

Newt slowly bent down in front of Alby, his face worried and eyebrows scrunched. "Alby, are you all right?" He asked softly.

Alby didn't reply. Just stared into the distance as if he was still regaining new memories. Siren wished she could just close her eyes to avoid this horrible scene.

"Hey, Alby." Thomas now sat in front of him too, talking just as low and soft as Newt. "Alby, we might have just found a way out of the maze. Do you hear me? We could be getting out of here."

Siren's breath nearly got taken away. She was rooted to the floor, her heart pounding as she begged for Alby to be okay. To make it out because if someone in the Glade deserved that, it was him.

"We can't." He finally spoke. It made some share glances. "We can't leave. They won't let us."

"What are you talking about?"

"I remember." He stated in just a whisper. Another tear fell. "I remember you. You were always their favorite, Thomas." A pause. "And yet they made you fight the enemy."

Thomas blinked a few times. Tried to give Alby a touch of comfort but the leader wouldn't let him. "What enemy?"

Alby looked, almost threateningly, at Siren.

Thomas's jaw nearly dropped to the ground. "Was- Siren was my enemy?" He stammered.

Alby squinted his eyes at the girl. Siren couldn't breathe anymore. Couldn't watch him in this state and then accuse her of things she couldn't even remember. "Unwillingly."

"What?" Newt frowned deeper.

Alby didn't reply anymore. He turned back to Thomas, leaving Siren shocked. "Why did you do this?" He whispered. "Why did you come here?"

Siren tensed up. Took ahold of Teresa's hand, wishing they would walk away. Just then, someone stormed into the room.

It was when Thomas asked what was going on to the panicked Winston, Siren heard the shouts and yells outside. 

"It's the doors." He caught his breath fast. "They aren't closing."

Reeve was the first to jump up with his instincts fully on. "We have to hide."

Everyone followed Reeve and Thomas out of the hut, Teresa having to pull Siren in the beginning, who had attempt to comfort Alby in the last seconds.

Winston had been right. Twilight had made the sky darker and the Doors still hadn't closed. And for some dumb reason, the others felt the need to start making plans right in front of the Doors.

"Okay. Chuck, you-."

Thomas got cut off by more trembling of the ground and rumbling of stone. Their heads snapped toward the direction. And holy shit.

More Doors were opening. Siren had definitely seen those Doors before, but they had been closed for three years, if not longer. And now they were opening. Four Doors were open. Four!

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