054 - Rescue

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"SIREN." The car was riding on the textured ground, shaking from the speed Vince drove at. Thomas sat next to him, Siren in the back. "Take this." He handed her something without looking.

It was a black, heavy case, about the size of her hand. She inspected it for a while, a frown forming on her face. "What is it?"

"A bomb. I want you to keep it with you the whole time. If something happens, pull the lid off, throw, and make sure you get away as fast as you can!" He started yelling once the wind got heavier. "Alright?"

"Alright." She stuck the thing in her waistband, right next to a knife, though she wasn't planning on using that one. Just in case.

"We're about to go onto the rails! The train is in sight. Hold on tightly!" Vince straightened his back. Thomas gave Siren a reassuring nod before he turned back to the front window, watching as Vince indeed drove onto the rails.

The car immediately slowed down and didn't ride as smoothly as before. Siren's jaw tightened with each bump on the rails they hit. Then she noticed the Berg flying close to them. "Brenda!" She took her walkie talkie. "They're coming for you!"

"Fuck, yes! Planned and well. Good luck!" Her voice on the other side. Siren put the device back in her pocket.

"This is crazy, Thomas!" Vince yelled. "But let's go!"

Thomas bent down to grab a hook from the bottom of the car and removed his seatbelt. "Alright!" He took ahold of the top of the open window and stood up.

Siren almost didn't want to look. Thomas having (to be the first) to climb out of a driving car's window was a crazy idea to her, and she hadn't even agreed in the first place.

He crouched onto the hood. Vince drove even harder once he noticed the fire sparks coming off the wheels; they had to hurry.

Their car was close enough to the train for Thomas to connect the hook with it. Siren had held her breath until he stood safely on the ladder.

She climbed out of the open window and faster than she expected, jumped next to Thomas with a twist of her stomach. "Come on, Vince!"

The man struggled with climbing out of the window a bit more, because once he let go of the wheel, their car started staggering. He made it onto the hood, shaking.

"Jump!" Both Thomas and Siren held out their hands. "Now, Vince! Come on!"

Vince jumped right before the hook gave up and the car got thrown behind the train, exploding not even a second after.

With wide eyes, the trio stared at it. "Lucky." Siren let go of a breath. "Let's go."

They arrived on top of the train and started running. Wind cut against Siren's skin even harder than any time in The Maze. She almost stumbled due the still moving train, but made it to the point where they had to be.

Thomas handed Vince a bag, and he jumped down with it immediately, about to apart the wagons.

Siren squinted her eyes into the distance. "Shit," she murmured, and pulled out a gun. A dozen guards were running toward them, all dressed in black and armed with guns.

She bounced next to Vince. Thomas followed her down, his gun out now too.

"You got this!" She nodded at him, then turned back to the guards. Once they came in sight from their place below, she started shooting, just like Thomas did.

"Almost!" Vince kept himself busy with the bomb  he was settling. "Ready?"


"Okay! Three, two, one!" Vince jumped onto one side of the train, Siren and Thomas on the other one.

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now