009 - After Adventures

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"TOLD you, Chuck. They're not coming back."
Newt's was hoarse and not energetic like usual. Dark circles sat around his eyes, and his nails were bitten off.

Chuck lowered his shoulders in disappointment. The kid looked down, slowly turning around. The whole night he had been waiting anxiously, and now, nothing.

So them and the other few boys that joined the wait turned around, ready to leave in despair until a gasp left Zart's, the Keeper of the Track-Hoes', mouth.

"No way," he whispered.

Chuck spun around so fast his shoe made a hole in the ground. There, in the Maze, were walking Thomas, Minho, Alby, and Siren. Thomas and Minho dragged Alby as the girl sprinted forward to Newt.

"Newt! We need Med-Jacks for-." She abruptly stopped talking when the blonde wrapped his arms around her and embraced her with a tight hug. "Uh." She swallowed, awkwardly patting him on the back. "Physical touch. Lovely."

He let go of her soon. "Med-Jacks? Alright." He sent Zart to get them before giving Minho, who pulled a face, a hug too.

They lay Alby down on the grass. Blood had dried up on his head. The veins had gotten darker, and it worried everyone.

"Did you see a Griever?" Chuck asked, breathless.

Thomas sighed. He sat on his knees, bending over Alby. "Yeah, I saw one," he replied.

"He didn't just see it." Minho looked up, about to say another iconic line of his. "He killed it."

Everyone fell silent. Their eyes went from Thomas to Alby to Minho and to Siren, which made her shrink. Newt rubbed his chin. Stared at Thomas for a while too, then spoke up.

"Alright. Jeff, Reeve, take care of Alby. Clint, we're having a gathering. Come with me. Minho, Thomas, you too. Call all Keepers!"

Siren was glad she didn't have to take part in all the drama of what punishment Thomas would get for running into the Maze, or him killing a Griever. Instead, she sneaked into the Med Hut.

Reeve's pissed voice was already echoing through the shack. "Unfair! They spend a night in there and don't even get to clean up? Sleep? Jesus!"

They lay Alby down on a bed. Jeff, a dark-skinned boy with nice curls, rushed to take care of the wound as Reeve searched through drawers for the Grief Serum.

It was an antidote with blue liquid, in a syringe. If Alby got that, he would go through The Changing and remember several things about his past. Something Siren would've gotten through too, if only the sting had effected her.

"Here." Reeve handed it to Jeff and walked over to Siren. She was watching them from a chair, but Reeve forced her to sit down on a medical bed. "Where are you hurt? Or did you manage to get through the night without a scratch?"

She held up her arm. The piece of shirt wrapped around it had gotten dirty with sand and blood. Reeve nodded in approval, complimenting it was good she covered it.

He took it off, then inspected the wound. "Damn. Got you pretty deep. Gonna need stitches."

Siren nodded. Exhausted, she rested her head against the wall and let her muscles relax while Reeve cleaned the slice (which burned a lot). He gave her stitches fast and ended the treatment by wrapping a clean, white bandage around her arm.

"All done. Anything else? Dizzy? Twisted ankle?"

She shook her head. "No."

"Alright." He put his hands on his hips. Inspected the girl for a second. "Take a shower. Get some clean clothes." A pause. "Least thing you can do if they ain't gonna let you in that gathering."

"Okay." She got up with a groan. "Thanks, Reeve. See you. Good luck with Alby.

"Bye." Jeff said. Reeve waved.

Siren picked up clean clothes from her hut and made her way to the showers. Inside were about five cabins. The one all the way in the back was hers. Gally made a lock on it just for her, along with a little plank she put her own razor and shampoo on.

If the boys in the Glade weren't that lazy, it could've smelled way better. They had showers and shampoo!

She watched blood drape off her skin, following the water into the drain. She scrubbed dirt off until her skin was sensitive and washed her hair as many times as needed to feel clean again. The water was cold, but relaxing. After three years, she was used to it anyways.

(As Siren washed herself, the gathering went on and boys were sharing their opinions.

"No one's ever survived a night in the Maze, so-."

Thomas interrupted Newt. "Where's Siren?"

Close to looking offended, Newt sighed and looked at the boy. "Not here."


Newt lifted an eyebrow. "She's not a Keeper, is she?"

"But she survived a night too."

That made sense, though.
"What do you want me to do about that?"

"Give her and Minho some credit.")

And more arguments started. Around the time the gathering finished, Siren got out of the shower, dressed in sweatpants and her black sports bra. She didn't want to ruin her shirt while she brushed her hair, because that would wet it, so she decided to put that one on later.

Sharp, blue eyes stared back at her when she looked in the mirror. Her hair had grown to her chest. New muscles in her arms and stomach, which she grinned at. Benefit of being a Runner.

The hairbrush almost dropped out of her hands when the door slammed open and a boy she most certainly did not want to see, walked in. And he froze.

"Uh." Thomas cleared his throat as his eyes widened and he had to give everything to not stare. "Sorry."

She didn't know what to say. "You need anything?"

"A shower." He replied. "So you mind...?"


"You're blocking the way." He motioned at the small space between her and a cabin.

"Right." Siren looked down. She had the urge to ask him about the gathering, but ended up deciding she would ask Minho. "I'll stop blocking the way."

Thomas's cheeks had grown red. He nodded. Stepped forward just when Siren did too, causing them to bump into each other.

Siren tripped and her looking down as they hit each other didn't help either. Right before she completely lost balance, Thomas caught her in his arms.

She blinked, taken aback. His breaths on her face. Eyes staring into hers. Bright brown with a sparkle. Beauti- normal.

He coughed and put her on her feet again. "Thanks for... going out of the way."

Siren nodded, feeling the heat flush into her cheeks from embarrassment. After all, she was still in her sports bra. "Enjoy your shower... I guess. The water's cold, though. Don't get too excited."

"Thanks." He opened the door after grabbing a towel.

"Oh, and Thomas?" She surprised herself with her own words. The boy stopped in his tracks and he looked at her.


"About the Griever... that was kinda cool. What you did." She said, yet she wasn't smiling. Thomas now got used to the fact he would never see her do that anyway.

He did smile. A small smile. "Thanks," he said again.

"I do still dislike you."
And then she walked out of the showers (after she put her shirt on).

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A/n: As you might've noticed, I changed the timeline a bit. The story will also be a mix of the books and the movies :)
Hope you enjoyed!!

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang