026 - Bad Weather

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SIREN had almost fallen asleep when suddenly, there was a loud sound.


"Guys...?" Thomas's voice as Siren opened her eyes. Groaning, she got up, slightly annoyed because she almost got a good night of sleep. "There's lights."

That made her aware immediately.

Thomas was right. In the distance, right at the bottom of the mountains, lights shined. Small dots that were far away from them.

Another crash.

Thomas took a step back while his head turned to the sounds. Lighting was hitting the ground a mile away from them, but they could already watch it come closer.

"Go! Run, run!" Thomas had touched her waist before they started running toward the building, all fully awake by this time.

Wind rushed past her ears at the fast pace she ran with. The sounds of the thunder only seemed to move closer, while her steps felt slower.

Thomas kept encouraging as they ran. Yelled stuff. Marie was helping Newt run with his limp, staying right beside him.

They arrived close to the lights sooner than expected.

Cars surrounded them. They seemed old. Unused. There was a giant building a few hundred feet away from them. That's where the lights came from. An enormous door was what they headed for.

The ground trembled from the lighting strikes. Siren nearly tripped when the flash connected with the ground almost right next to her. It was above her, too. Flashes and sounds so loud she almost got distracted.

"Come on, keep running!"

And there was a shake so heavy it threw Siren to the ground. A sound so loud it hurt her head.

An endless beep went through her ears as the side of her face scraped against the hard ground. It felt as if her ears were exploding. The sounds of the outside world suddenly disappeared. She went deaf for a second, completely unaware of what was happening.

A burning smell entered her nose. She pushed herself up without looking, the shouts slowly turning understandable again.


Her eyes widened.

Not even three feet away from her lay a body, the smoke still coming off it. The burning smell.

"Hurry!" Two arms lifted her off the ground as four lifted up Minho's body.

Siren could only think straight when the doors closed behind her and they were left in the complete darkness.

And shit.

Minho got hit by lighting. He was unconscious.

A few boys put their flashlights on, shining them onto Minho's face and his closed eyes. Worried crashed into Siren. It focused on that bad feeling in her stomach. Made it even worse.

"Minho?" She whimpered, and bent down next to him just like some others had done. Please, she thought, mentally begging. Not Minho.

"Hey, man. Wake up." Hands shook his unconscious body. Siren held her breath without even noticing. Her heart raced. Eyes almost filled with tears and lip almost started trembling- until Minho gasped for air.

The relief relaxed all her muscles.

Minho's eyes opened and he received lots of happy sighs from others. He blinked. Stared at the faces around him. Then groaned, "What happened?"

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora