027 - Reunions

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"YOU don't remember me, do you?"

"Does it seem like I do?" She spat, still suspicious about this man. However, he did seem less creepy than Adkins. "But they did return some of my memories." She continued slowly. "There was a man and a girl. He said 'Bren and Ren'."

Maybe it was a trap! Maybe WICKED gave her this memory on purpose and was this man a worker for WICKED too... or something.

"Brenda and Siren." He confirmed, frowning slightly. "Mi hijas."

"Am I— I'm not your daughter, right?"

"Oh, no." He chuckled. "You're not. But I was a bigger part of your childhood than your own father."

"There aren't much chances he's alive, are there?"

"Dead." Jorge said. "Both your parents. Sorry to say this."

She shrugged, honestly not caring. Her plan was never to reunite with her parents. That would be awkward, especially because she didn't remember them. "I can't remember them anyways."

"Would you like to know more?"

"Obviously. How did I end up spending my childhood with you? Did you kidnap me?!"

"We found you. All alone, stranded in Australia."

You have an accent, he had said. Siren blinked.

"After doing some research, we discovered that your parents had... killed themselves before they fully turned into Cranks." He continued. "We took you, a three-year-old, to America with us. We taught you how to fight in case WICKED tried to take you, which we wanted to prevent."


"Because they torture kids. We knew we would be able to survive on our own if we got away from the company, but they wouldn't stop eliminating the kids from us. That's when we started fighting back."

"I did, too?"

"You were the one who had the highest believe in beating WICKED. Constantly training, even to the point where I had to pull you out of stimulation rooms so you could go to sleep."

She nearly gasped. "Stimulation rooms?"

"Mhm. We used to have an amazing one. It had this device. Type anything in and you would be sent into that world to train and raise levels. And then after, you would draw the world you had been in. Your whole room was full of paper. Walls covered."

Siren was listening attentively. Things about her youth turned out to be interesting as hell.

"I kept a few." Jorge opened a drawer, taking some papers out. "Here."

Wide-eyes, Siren went through the drawing. Some were very ugly, she had to admit. Her drawing skills as a kid weren't as good as now, obviously. Some kind of jungle, an army, a tall building...

"The army was in the same world as the one with the building. The soldiers were spread around it. Your task to kill them."

"Did I do it?"


Impressed, a corner of Siren's mouth went up. Then it went down. "Woah, what's this?"

Jorge peeked at the drawing. A small girl with two braids was drawn in the corner. In between her and a small group of boys, was a window. One of them pointed at the girl, one had tears running down his cheeks. The others just stared.

"You often went into WICKED their stimulation. Like, their building. We always thought it was to practice fighting those guards and to memorize the hallways, but after seeing your drawings we realized it was because there were kids. You liked seeing them, so kept repeating the same stimulation."

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora