043 - Crackhead And Mermaid

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THEY safely arrived at the building Thomas and the other stayed. Siren was quite amazed by the fact they even managed to find an enormous building like this.

The rain had stopped as they walked closer, the sea hitting rocks behind them. Another benefit, the place was close to the sea. Although the steam coming off the water was anything but warm.

Thomas unlocked the giant metal door with a handle, let the two of them in, then locked it again. Darkness surrounded the duo.

"We've got to be quiet," he whispered, so quietly that he had to lean closer to her ear. Siren's cheeks grew red again. "Most people are sleeping in hammocks, and they're placed in the room right next to us. I can't turn on the lights, they'll wake up and I think we both rather want them to freak out in the morning, and not the middle of the night."


Thomas took her hand and slowly started moving forward, seeming to know the exact way.

"Are you sure we're not going to bump into something?" Siren murmured, unsure because it was crazy how smooth Thomas moved in the dark.

"I've walked here many times, don't worry."

"Also in the dark?"

"Mostly in the dark."

"Oh." Siren's eyebrows furrowed. "Why?"

"Couldn't sleep."

Only that already made her heart ache, but she ignored it. Thomas clicked a door open, walked further, and then opened another one.

"Alright. We're here." A sigh full of relief left his mouth. Siren tried looking through the darkness.

"I'll just..." Thomas flashed a small light on. It stood on a desk, which was covered in pencils and drawings. Siren smiled at the sight, but she wasn't close enough to see what Thomas had been drawing.

She twisted around. A bed stood in the corner, a double one. Blue sheets neatly covered the thing. Next to it stood an old-looking nightstand. Two things were placed on top of it.

"I- do you want some new clothes?" Thomas seemed a little unsure about the room, or Siren just imagined it. "I'll go get them."

"Yeah, thanks."

Thomas disappeared before Siren sat down on his bed, eyes focused on the night stand. A wooden sculpture and a small bottle.

She recognized the bottle immediately. It was the serum she could massage into her back, meaning, Thomas kept it. The sculpture was familiar. She had seen Thomas carry it with him or look at it a few times, but she never understood what it was.

Something told her that she wasn't allowed to touch it, so all she did was look closer. It looked like a boy was carved out of the wood. Still, she couldn't really place it.

Then she looked at the bed under her. A part of her wanted to sleep very badly, another part wanted to catch up with Thomas and hear what he went through while she was gone. And they could talk about the kiss- oh my god, they kissed.

She nearly screamed in the pillow, cheeks heating up again.

"Frypan washed them yesterday. I was scared they wouldn't be dry but they are." Thomas walked back in the room, clothes in his hands. "Washed', also means 'threw into the sea'."

Siren smiled as she got up. "Thanks, Thomas."

"I'll wait outside."

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora