057 - Pain And Anger

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ALL three girls had certain trouble with getting out of bed and correctly sitting at the breakfast table, instead of like a potato sack.

"Hangover?" Zach handed Siren the orange juice. "Looks like it."

"Thanks for the compliment, Zach. Really." She let go of a breath. Her muscles were stiff and her eyes thick, like she hadn't slept in years. "Do we have caffeine or something?"

"On it's way!" Reeve announced. Siren's heart warmed up. At least he looked better now. Healthier.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Frypan yawned dramatically as he stretched his arms.

"Trying to find a way in the city," a voice they hadn't heard yet said.

Siren's face lit up when Thomas walked into the room, all fresh and hot and beautiful and clean. She smiled at him, blush already on her cheeks.

"I thought we planned to do that in two days." Marie shared a glance with Brenda before her eyes met Siren's. "And not today."

"It's better if we make pace. We don't know how WICKED is treating those kids after we attacked. They're definitely pissed. We can't waste time," Thomas explained. "Oeh, bacon."

Brenda lay her legs on the table, causing Newt to scowl at her. "Then what exactly are you planning?"

"Vince said he heard about a protest they're having today. If we go there, there's a chance we might find an opening."

"That doesn't sound very pleasant," Reeve commented. "Any other ways we can get in?"

"No." Vince walked into the main room. "Not that we know of. Only the protest of the non immunes."

"Non immunes?" Zach looked up. "So there's infected people walking around?"

"Big chance there is."

"But I'm not immune," he realized. "Man, I don't wanna get infected."

"Alright. Then you stay here with Siren," Vince decided. He folded his arms over his chest.

"Woah." The girl got up so fast her chair fell onto the ground with a loud bang. "Stay here with me? I'm not staying here, if that's what you think. Get someone else to stay."

That feeling of anger already made her stomach twist. She thought she finally managed to get involved with all their plans (after months of trying to), and now they just pretend she isn't there to help again?

"It's unsafe."

Her jaw clenched. "You're saying it's unsafer for me than for anyone else?" She spat out. "For fuck's sake, you could shoot me in the head right now and I'd still be standing. I'm immune. I can fight. What's the damn problem here?"

Thomas's mouth opened to stop her, then he closed it again. He had never seen her get very angry, but he was wise enough to not interfere once she did, so kept his words in before he'd receive a punch or something.

"The problem is, is that you're a target. They catch you, you're dead."

"I am aware!" Her fists clenched together, then unclenched. "We're all dead if they catch us. It doesn't make a difference, Vince! Why leave me out when we all know I spent years of training with Jorge? Why leave me out at all?"

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now