006 - Banishment

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SHE regretted what she promised Thomas.

Yes, she hated that boy. But that didn't mean she was heartless enough to send him straight to death.

Well, he was kinda fit so maybe he wouldn't- not the point.

Yet Siren wasn't someone to break promises. She would force herself to talk to Minho about Thomas being a Runner, because she said she would.

So, there she went. Early in the morning.

Minho was eating breakfast on his own, his back straight as some of his muscles tensed once in a while. Siren sat across from him, slamming her notebook on the table to draw his attention.

"Yes, Bean?" He didn't look up.

"You know the Greenie?"

Minho still didn't look up. Apparently his food was very fascinating. "The one you hate and disgust so much it almost seems like you want the enemies to lovers to happen? Hm, I think I do know that Greenie."

Siren sighed, but continued fast. "Yeah, okay. Great. So, I kinda promised him something."

"You don't break your promises, I know." A pause. "What's going on with the promise that you have to share it with the coolest, hottest person on this earth?"

She swallowed, not sure how to tell him this. "I promised him something that has to do with you. Mainly."

"I only use my mouth to eat and talk."

"That's not what I promised him, pervert." Siren grumbled. Minho chuckled. "I said I would ask you if he could be a Runner."

"Oh, yeah. Of course he can be one."

Her eyebrows furrowed so deep a scrunch appeared in her forehead. "What?"

Minho stared her straight in the eyes now. "Jesus, of course he can't be a Runner."

"Okay, great." A relieved sigh left Siren's mouth. "Thanks."

"Right." Minho nearly frowned as he got up, but didn't ask anything else about Thomas. "Ready to run? Did you eat breakfast?"

"No. Will wait 'till lunch." She was already stretching and tying her hair tighter. "Let's go."

Minho followed her towards the Doors, where they found their friend Ben standing too. Blonde hair, muscles like every Runner. His shirt was already on, covered up by his brown run vest.

"Hey." They all greeted at the same time. Nods were the only thing shared, because three seconds later Siren and Minho disappeared into the Maze.

It was still half dark in there, mostly because of the walls shadowing over them. But times were weird in the Glade. They didn't seem to have seasons. It was never snowing or raining, and the sun always came up at the exact same time. The only change in temperature was that sometimes it was hotter than other days, which Minho claimed was because he used more hair gel and looked hotter.

However, Siren found each temperature fine if she at least sprayed tons of deodorant on her body. Minho asked the Box for hair gel, she asked for deodorant and period products, Alby desperately tried to get One Direction posters, and Newt attempted to get books.

After all, only Alby's wish didn't come true.

Nothing happened in the Maze. They ate lunch, ran, obviously, and... ran.

When they got back in the Glade, Siren immediately felt the tense mood hitting her. An unpleasant feeling, but everyone was working like usual.

She shrugged it off and entered the Map Room before she would get dinner. Drew and mapped everything she noticed with Minho. Halfway through their work, Alby called Minho to walk with him. Siren hadn't thought about it.

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