032 - Catching Up

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SIREN was walking toward the tent Brenda appeared to be lying, when Jorge blocked her path.

His eyes inspected softly, a tiny smile on his lips. Siren noticed he now seemed cleaner than before. His face didn't have dirt on it and the short curls on his head were more hydrated and... curly.

"Hey, mi hija." He paused. Frowned. "You okay with me calling you that?"

"Yeah, of course." She nodded. It felt comfortable yet weird talking to Jorge. Obviously, she did not remember him. But also obviously, she had been like a daughter to him. She couldn't just act like that never happened and move on. And also, the desire to know more about her past was still there.

"I was just on my way to Brenda," she continued, doing her best to preform a smile. But since it was genuine, it wasn't hard. "Would you want to come with me?"

"I visited her already. You go," he replied. "I've got some teenagers to take control over."

Siren twisted on her feet so she was looking at The Gladers. They were just talking and laughing. "Them?"

"Specifically those three." He pointed at Thomas, Minho, and Marie. "The rest, I trust alone."

"You don't trust them?"

"I do, hija." He lay his hand on her shoulder. "But troublemakers exist, don't they?"

Yeah, they were pretty much troublemakers.

"Yep." She nodded firmly. "See ya."

"Be careful."

"Will be," she said, then entered the medical tent. The strong smell of either medicine or herbs hung in there, along with quiet talks fading into the air. Not even five people were in the tent, luckily.

Bottles were stacked around the place. Tables, drawers, and three beds. Siren noticed Brenda in one of them immediately. She was sitting straight up, reading a book before she looked at Siren.

"Hey." Brenda's voice was a bit hoarse but other than that, she looked fine. Her body seemed washed and she had gotten new clothes.

"Hey." Siren stuffed her hands in her pockets. "How're you feeling? I hope getting that serum to the infection didn't hurt."

"I would've gone out of the bed if I was allowed to." A smile formed on Brenda's face. "So yeah, I'm doing great." A pause. "You can sit down, you know?"

"Oh, yeah." Quickly, Siren sat down on the chair next to a bed. "What- uh, what were you reading?"

God, why could she never have conversations without making them awkward?

Excluding the ones with The Crackhead, though.

"A Spanish dictionary Jorge gifted me for my birthday last year." Brenda groaned, but the smile stayed there. "I've learned mierda and coño."

"What does that mean?"

"Fuck and twat."

A laugh left Siren's lips, and then an even louder one. "You tell him that."

"I will." She grinned. Stretched her muscles a bit. "And how are you?"

"I'm good."

A long silence fell. It wasn't uncomfortable, but definitely a bit awkward. Siren stared at the ground, tapping with her foot soundlessly.

"Hey, uh-." Brenda spoke after a while, clearing her throat. "About what happened in that party-."

"Don't worry about it." Siren's head snapped up again. She smiled. "I don't mind."

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