062 - The Start Of The End

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IT was hard to take her eyes off Thomas while he was standing in WICKED's uniform, holding a gun as he spoke to Zach.

And it felt very wrong saying someone looked good in that kind of uniform- but Thomas was an exception.

"You're lucky you healed this fast," Reeve said. "Otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come with us."

"Yeah," she muttered, tucking a knife in her belt. "What about Zach? He's coming with us too, right?"

"Mhm, obviously. We can cure him too, so he won't ever be in danger." Reeve gave Siren a soft smile, then went for the hug. "Please don't do any stupid Siren things tonight."

She hummed. "Can't promise anything."

His grip tightened. Hesitantly, Siren buried her head in his chest. "Just be careful."

"And don't die. Yep, got it. You too, Reeve." She let go with a nod. "Imma check up on Thomas."

He grinned. "Of course you are."

Rolling her eyes, Siren walked over to Thomas. He finished loading his gun just when she looked up at him, the height difference now even worse because he wore thicker boots.

"I'd say you look very innocent right now, which you are in fact not." He hovered over her, smiling.

"I am innocent."

"Morally? No. Sexually? No. Physically? Wait- can you be physically innocent? Whatever." He let out a chuckle.

"You're done." Siren shook her head. "Very done. Also-." Her sentence got cut off by her own yelp; Thomas had decided to put her down on the table.

His lips formed into a smirk, then he shrugged as if it was nothing. "At least we're face-to-face now."

Siren rolled her eyes, but smiled. "Would it give you even more confidence if I said you look so handsome it annoys me?"

"Would it give you more grumpiness if I said you look so beautiful it pleasures me?"


"Well, you look beautiful. Even in WICKED's uniform. Even with bandages everywhere, even in my clothes, even in the middle of the night, even in-."


Thomas somewhat choked on the air. His eyes widened as redness grew in his face. "Uh- maybe. But how can you be in.. isn't it the other way- wait a second- hey, Newt- how's that aga-."

"Alright, just shut up already." She gave him a soft slap on the arm.

A few minutes later, their talk got more serious and both of them lowered their voices.

"Hey- if something happens or-."


"But if something-." Thomas tried.

"Nothing's going to happen," she murmured, taking his hands. "We're all going to be fine. You're going to help Newt and Zach while Lawrence takes WICKED down. We've got Newt, Teresa, Zach, and Gally with us in the building. Brenda takes the other kids away as we get that cure. Then we leave again."

Sighing, Thomas pressed his forehead to hers. "Is it really gonna work?"

"No doubt," she assured. "We got this. You got this."

"One thing."


"We should totally name our kid after whoever dies tonight."

"Thomas, what the actual f-."

"Kidding. Sorry. Bad joke. Very bad. My apologies." He held back a snort. "Sorry, that was wrong."

Then she couldn't help but to laugh too. Just a little bit. "I don't think this is the right moment to talk about kids."

"I think every moment is right to talk about kids. Kids are so cute!" He encouraged.

"Kids are annoying little rats."

"Not all of them." Thomas crossed his arms. "Our kid will be- yeah, okay our kid will either be a grump or a golden retriever, nothing in between."

"Our kid will be a cat," Siren stated.

"Don't tell me you don't want kids."

"I'm telling you that we should talk about this after defeating WICKED, Thomas. Not right now."

"You're right."

"Aren't I always?" She smiled sweetly before wrapping her arms around this torso. "Be careful, Crackhead. No one but me is allowed to kill you."

He smiled. "You too, Mermaid... baby."

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"Don't stop."
Hidden in their uniforms, Siren and Thomas walked next to Teresa, who walked behind Zach and Newt. The few feet between them made it seem less suspicious.

Siren's heart was beating in her throat when they walked past the censors, but to their luck, no alarm went off; Teresa succeeded taking out their chips.

Halfway there, Gally smoothly joined, until they arrived at the stairs. They were apart from other guards, so all teenagers were free to take their masks off and catch a breath.

"I can get in here." Gally stared at a device on the wall. "Lawrence will be able to see the cameras instead of WICKED's employees."

"Alright, do it. Throw me the walkie."

Thomas put the walkie to his mouth. "Frypan, we're in. How you doing?"

From all jobs, Siren respected Frypan the most for climbing up as high as WICKED's building.

"Yeah, I'm getting there. Tell Minho "Hi," for me."

"Hang in there, buddy." Thomas nodded. "Brenda, what's your status?"

"Status is, I'm working on it."

"Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end."

"Don't worry. You know I'm gonna be there."

Ugh, how much Siren liked this woman.

"All right, let's go." Gally finished his work fast, and motioned for them to follow. Newt finished coughing, which caused Siren to give him a reassuring look and Teresa a worried one.

"Just hang on," Siren murmured, then walked after the rest.

Three minutes later, they assaulted the room where Minho and the others supposedly had been in. Gunshots were flying around. Siren ducked a few times, managed to shoot some guards, and sighed when they killed them all off.

"Check the doors," Thomas commanded. "Siren, don't treat them as 'annoying little rats'."

With a roll of her eyes, Siren opened a door. At least five kids stared up at her, and suddenly she was speechless. Imaging what they had been through the last months was too much.

"Come on." She made a head movement to the main room. "You're safe with us."

Immediately, she noticed Thomas walking around, panic increasing his face.

"He's not here," Newt realized.

In a second, Thomas had shot a dangerous look at Teresa. "Where is he?!"

She obeyed fast, proving she hadn't fully turned to them by unlocking a computer. "Somebody's moved him up to the medical wing. Thomas, that's on the other side of the building."

"Take us to him before we get Newt and Zach their serums," Siren ordered. She already put her mask back on. "Come on. Hurry."

"Hey, Greenie!" A last yell from Gally before they left. "Good luck."

Thomas just gave him a thankful nod before he walked away, and Gally started opening the volt with extra serums, in case anything would go wrong with their original plan.

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ