011 - A Female Bean

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WHILE Minho, Thomas, and apparently some other Keepers spent their time in the Maze, Siren finished connecting maps. And again, nothing made sense. The only pattern she found was that the same walls moved every night, and that the sections opened in a certain order, but that was old information.

So after a while, she exited the Map Room to help carry their new supplies or something, although she was pretty sure Thomas hadn't even been here a week. Maybe the arrangement of the Box bringing supplies came early? Or they noticed Thomas had shucked the place up pretty badly and they needed more supplies?

She found out soon, when Reeve jogged over to her, his face serious but eyes twinkling suspiciously bright. "Have you heard it?" He gulped.

"Heard what?"

"There's a Greenie!" He announced. Before Siren could ask more, he spoke again. "And it's a girl!"

Her mouth dropped open as she took a step back in surprise. "This better not be a joke, Reeve."

"It's not, I swear!" He pulled her arm, forcing her to run after him. She couldn't deny that she was curious about the girl. Would she finally feel less lonely?

They entered the Med Hut, which made her frown. Was she hurt or something? On their way, they saw Clint patching up some Slicers. They met Jeff standing in front of a bed. And it turned out that the girl lay there.

Siren could only see the raven black hair and a part of her face; the rest was covered with a thick blanket. Her eyes were closed. Multiple freckles dotted over her face. Full lips and a natural blush on her cheeks.

Overall, she was beautiful.

"She came up this morning," Jeff explained a few seconds later. He had given them the time to look at the girl. "Unconscious, then she was up for one second, then fainted again. Nothing too serious. We're just waiting for her to wake up again, 'cause we have a feeling she got some interesting klunk to tell us."

"Yeah." Reeve sighed. Swallowed. "When she woke up in the Box, she gasped Thomas's name before she fainted again."

Siren's face darkened and her body tensed, but then she nodded, mentally slapping herself for reacting like that. Why did she, even?

"We immediately lay her here because of her medical conditions, and the other boys."

Her jaw clenched. Sharply, she looked up. "They said shit?"

"You know the drill. Calling dibs, asking what she looked like... but we warned them. Anyone touches any of the girls and they will have to deal with the Slammer. Lesson still not learned? Griever meal." Jeff crossed his arms over each other. "That's what Alby would've done."

Understanding, she nodded again. "How's he doing, by the way?"

"Struggling. But surviving. The Grief Serum helps. He's up the Homestead. Don't be surprised if you ever hear his screams." Reeve bit his lip. "Oh! And the girl brought a note with her."

Jeff handed the thing to Siren immediately. After the three years of her existence in the Glade, she felt like someone who deserved to know everything to them, even though she wasn't a Keeper.

The note was a bit dirty and the edges weren't sharp, but the letters written with black marker were easily readable.

"She's the last one ever." Siren read out loud, a frown slowly forming on her face. In the right corner stood '- w.c.k.d'.

"We think that's the sender." Jeff added when he followed her eyes staring at the letters. "W.c.k.d."

Siren nearly dropped the note on the ground. Her eyes widened, and she looked up. Pushed the note in Reeve's hands as she mumbled, "W.c.k.d."

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora