008 - A Horror Night

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THE boy was struggling on the ground. Moving around a bit with heavy breaths and wide eyes. However, Minho and Siren their loud breaths definitely overtopped him.

"Good job." Minho had sweat dripping off his forehead as he stared at Thomas. "You just killed yourself." And he let himself fall.

"W-what?" He stammered, as if he hadn't realized it yet.

"It's not a nice sleepover. Could've thought of that before you ran in here." Siren added. She didn't know how to feel. Definitely angry. Upset because of Alby? And weird because she was most likely going to die.

The boy gathered some confidence again. "I'm just trying to help."

"Help with what? Give the Grievers an extra meal?" A sigh escaped Siren's mouth. She sat down against the wall, attempting to fix her messy hair. "We gotta move, though. If the Grievers come here, we're jacked."

Thomas had crawled over to Alby. Stared at the wound on his head. "What happened to him?"

"He got stung." Minho looked up, not so happy either. And for sure pissed at Thomas. "Man, you just ran straight into death."

He was ignored. "What happened to his head?"

"We did what we had to do."

Everyone was silent for a moment. Siren was making up things they could do to at least let one of them survive, but it was hard to think of.

The Maze was getting darker now, especially since the giant Doors had closed and no more light from the Glade shined in. The walls seemed to move closer to each other by the second, as if they were taking the air and space away. That's what it felt like to Siren, at least.

Thomas watched her sniff and touch her forehead. She got up, took a few steps, then dropped her shoulders. "You okay?" He wondered.

"Never better." She bent down next to Alby, her voice echoing through the Maze. "Any ideas?"

Thomas looked around. "I think so. Come on."

They started moving without even hearing Thomas's plan. Now they just had to trust each other, even Siren couldn't deny that. If they wanted to survive, she couldn't choose to be mean to Thomas. Not now.

"Tie the ivy around his chest and we'll lift him up that wall." Thomas suggested. Minho agreed, Siren did too.

The next twenty minutes all they could hear were their breaths and some groans coming from Alby. Thomas managed to tie the long, green plant all around Alby's torso while Siren and Minho had worked on making a rope they could pull to get Alby up.

"Alright." Thomas claimed the front place, Siren second, and Minho was holding the ivy all the way in the back. Siren could only hold it with one hand, because of the slice on her arm. "One, two, three."

At three, they pulled. Alby moved a feet up and only doing that, caused the trio's hands to burn from the rough texture of their rope.

Thomas continued counting. With the time, Alby got halfway up the tall wall they chose.

And then Minho lost concentration.

He was staring at something in the distance, his face betraying everything. Because there, between the haze, was a moving and noisy figure.

"Minho, come on. We're almost done." Thomas commanded before he told them to pull again, but Minho didn't do anything. He was bouncing on his feet nervously, desperate to make a run for it.

"Minho, stay here." Siren added. "Just a little more and we'll tie him off."

"Sorry, Greenie, Bean."
And he was gone.

𝑯𝑰𝑹𝑨𝑬𝑻𝑯 - Maze Runner, ThomasWhere stories live. Discover now