019 - Back In The Box?

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A/n: AI image creators are getting mad good these days...

SHE woke up cold. Confused by the hard ground under her, and the weird smell of... chlorine?

When Siren's eyes opened, she saw the steel ceiling. It couldn't have been higher than her own height. Same thing for how much distance was between the walls.

It reminded her of The Box, kinda.

Everything around her was made of steel. It was all gray, hard, and quite cold. No wonder she felt like that, too. Goosebumps rested on her arms, she had tucked her hands in her pockets a few times, and her muscles tensed.

"Hello?" Her voice echoed through the room, slamming from wall to wall. "Hey! Is anyone there?"

She felt ridiculous raising her voice to no one, and the way it sounded in her ears. She didn't really like her voice, maybe that was the conclusion to why she didn't talk often. It was ragged, like a morning voice, but somewhat soft at once. Didn't make her feel very... powerful.

You have an accent. Say 'ever' again.

She lowered her head and it stayed there. All the repeating of Thomas's comments in her mind made her crazy. First the eye thing, now the voice. Sad eyes, different voice.

Siren shook out of her thoughts soon. She couldn't be thinking about Thomas when she was literally locked up in an unknown, tight space. Was she locked in a memory they tried to restore? Was this supposed to be happening?

Her eyes closed. No, she already remembered stuff. A Safe Haven... sneaking around hallways with another girl, using guns, talking about WICKED, and more things that didn't make sense. Her getting the tattoo, cutting her hair, trying to make lipstick out of roses or whatever she was trying to do. Lots and lots of things.

Too much to think about, so she didn't.

Another desperate try of knocking on the walls, but there was nothing. How long would she be locked up here? There was no sink. No hole where maybe she could get food or water. Although she expected herself to be able to last at least a week without water or food. Food even longer, for sure. Water... no.

She threw her head back against the wall, stretching her legs out. She looked in the side pockets of her cargo pants, but nothing was in there. "Fuck," she cursed when she realized her drawings were still in her old clothes.

Homesick, that's how she felt. Homesick with no damn home. But sometimes, it would be nice to get a little rest. Rather not in a steel room, or a Maze, or a way to way station with strangers... just home, whatever that must've meant. If it even existed.

Siren sat in the corner of the room, her knees pulled up to her chest and her chin resting on her knees as her arms wrapped around them. Now she did feel alone, and not just lonely.

Though I am always like this, she thought. Hidden in a corner while the rest is talking. I promise I care more than I show, she thought. Just not good at telling people how I feel, 'cause most of the time I can't even tell myself.

A scrunch in her eyebrows formed. Sometimes, you really need a unicorn to talk about your feelings to... you know?

Even when it's an idiot you don't trust, who never has a plan, but when he does have one, you go with it because you do suddenly trust his plans, even after overthinking them.

Siren groaned loudly. She hated this already.

Well, who wouldn't?

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